Oh Boy

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(A/N if there are any numbers that look like this (1) or (2), click them because they are links I used :DD)

**Scott's POV**

"Is Derek going to do something?" I asked.

"No not Derek! They're after Derek!" she told me while looking fearful of whoever 'they' were. "But Stiles isn't safe right now! Theyr're killers, they will kill anyone assosiated with-" then I heard a scream. I looked at Victoria. Looks like she heard the same noise. We both panicked and rushed toward the loud scream.

"Where are we going?!" Victoria yelled at me as we were running.

'"My house! Stiles and Derek are there right now!" I responded. She stopped making me pass her. She stood there motionless. "Tor, what are you doing?! Common!" I panicked getting closer to her.

"That's not where they are. They're not in your house... anymore..." I looked at her in pure confusion. "Look, all I'm not completely sure but.. they're not at you're house. I don't see them" she said refering to her visions. "They're not always right, but something is telling me to trust this one."

"Well where are you're visions telling you they are?"

"The Hale House."

**Derek POV**

The last thing I remember was Stiles rocking me in his arms.. I can't see anything but I can feel.. Stiles?

"Derek? Derek.. Derek!" My eyes flung open. Stiles. I inhaled and exhaled uncontrolably I backed up to the corner of the place we were in.

"W-Where are we?" I asked.

"My car" He said while picking up his phone to answer. (1) (Links didn't work. that was supose to be a just Stiles answering the phone and Derek looking sick.) "Scott?" he answered.

I couldn't hear through the phone because it sounded staticky and I was too worried about myself not being able to heal from the attack that happened earlier tonight that I was going to tell Scott but couldn't because he had to go to the hospital for whatever reason.

"Well he looks kinda gross and like he's about to pass out any minute." Stiles said through the phone. "Whaa? Alright where are you guys?" he said. "Alright! I'll meet you there.. Okay! I'll drive as fast as I can!"

"W-where are we going?" I asked Stiles trying to catch my breath.

"Hospital. I don't know what they want but- What the hell is that?" He asked looking at the mirrors in his car.

"W-what do you see?" I panicked.

"I... I see a good looking guy! Whoa! Whoa he's moving where I am!" He said playing around reffering to himself. Then I decided to have fun as well.

"Oh that's funny. And another thing..." (2) (Links didn't work. that was suppose to be a car scene with Stiles and Derek and Derek slams Stiles' head on the stearing wheel )

"Oww! What the hell was that for!?!"

"You scared me... and you are being annoying." I told him whilst smiling and enjoying his pain. "Now start the car!"


"Now!" I demanded yelling louder over him. He started the car and drove toward the hospital to meet up with Scott.

Minutes go by and I'm starting to feel light-headed and ill. I have no idea what happened to me. All I know was that I was trying to save Victoria from the-

"Hey Derek are you falling asleep?" Stiles interupts my thoughts. "Derek? De-" his voice begins to fade and I start to get sleepy.

**Stiles POV**

I turned over to Derek to ask if there was a bruise on my face from... you know.. the anti social phsycho agression he has towards me, and I realize he starts dazing off and closing his eyes.

"Hey Derek are you falling asleep? Derek? Dereeeek? Guess you fell asleep." I said talking to myself and continueing to drive.

As soon as we got there, I see Scott walking towards my jeep panicking along with... Victoria?

"Derek wake up! We're here!" I said slapping his shoulder. I look down on his white tanktop and notice a black stain on his rib-cage. I pull his leather jacket out of my way so that I can get a closer and better look. It looks like black blood.....?

I then take a grip of the bottom of his tank top and pull it all the way to his rib-cage to see what going on. He has giant fresh scars that are still oozing strange liquid... and its fizzing oh gawd.. he's not sleeping! He's uncoincious!

"Uhh Derek!? DEREK!" I yell slapping his cheek lightly. Scott sees what going on and rushes to open the door where Derek is sitting and pulls him out and lays him on the cement parking lot floor.

"He's not breathing."



Hai Guys! I'm updating today because I won't be able to on Monday :(( Better early than never, right? LOL BTW, for the actual tv show Teen Wolf, did you guys see the teaser that has eyes changing from yellow, red, blue, and black? Since we all know what all of them mean except for the black eyes, I was thinking that's how the werewolf eyes apear when they lose their power on the lunar eclipse.. If I'm right, I KNEW IT!!!

The Teaser I'm talking about so you know I'm not crazy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns806xhwriU

Questions!!! :DD

Um... No questions... trololo WELL ALRIGHT!

LOL If you have any questions you want to ask characters, leave them in the comments! :DD

Thank you and I LOOVEE YOUU!!! <<33

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