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Chanyeols pov
As we stepped out of the airplane and took a deep breath in of the new Korean Air. I told Emerald, "Welcome to Korea", as she smiled and took little cute steps around she received a phone call. With a big bright smile she picked it up, "Sugar! " she smiled, " I landed. I made it in Korea. I'm here. It's so pretty. It's nothing I ever thought of  or what I remembered. If only you were here so you could show me around. I'd love to know what Mom and Dad saw when they were here or where they met. Where you use to play. I wish we'd never left. I wish I was able to know what life was like before we left." she stay on the phone for just a slight while with him. As we walked through the airport all of us stopped for some bubble tea.
"Are you going to get Emerald some? " Suho asked
"Of course she's never had any before. " I got her one of my favorites. As I walked up to her. A few tears streamed down her face. I wiped them away, she opened my arms a bit and placed her head in my chest I wrapped my arms around her.
"Annyeong oppa....saranghaeyo. " she said as she cancelled the call.
She looked up at me and I kissed her lips.
"Here's some bubble tea it's a really good drink. This is one of my favorite flavors. It's yours so don't worry about sharing. " i explained
"Ne. " she replied.
"You okay my love? " I asked.
"Yeah just thinking but ill be okay. " she smiled as she took a sip.
"Holy wow this Is good!" She was in shock and went for another sip. After another and another and another. I didn't hear much from her. Until we got into the car and her drink finished.
"Ahhhh wae I'm sad now. " she pouted.
"Looks like someone knows what they like. " Sehun smiled
Right after, Emerald received another phone call as she answer the call she seems to have a smile but slowly it faded away I knew something must have been wrong. She seems to be a bit emotional which wasn't okay with me. I knew I had to do something but when she got off of the call she told me we had to drop her off at these directions. K will told her that she needed to start writing music so then we can soon get her out there. He was there to make her dreams come true but little did she want to start working now. She knew she would have to leave my side to go make music and what not but what she wanted to do was travel Korea right now. You couldn't blame the poor girl she has dreams, so did I. Since now I live the reality sometimes I wish it was a dream. Sometimes I wish I could go back but then I think of all my fans and know going back would be the worst idea. I also realize my reality would have been boring, and lonesome and that's not where I want to live.  For the sake of everybody so we wouldn't get in trouble we quickly dropped her off. All of us told her that if she needed anything just call us. If she got stuck she could call us and ask for help we are here to teach her and to also be a family. If she got hungry we told her that not to hold back and let us know what she wanted so we could go get it and bring it to her. We didn't want to disturb her work we all believe that she can write something beautiful. As we relaxed at the hotel we also waited for her to finally call. Yet as hours passed there was not even a text message or a voicemail. We took it to believe that she was totally okay there was enough of the guards and people working there that she should be protected. We continue to play, a few more hours went by. I got even more worried so I told suho and Kai, they told me not to bother and just relax. How could I do that when my girlfriend was sitting in a room trying to create music on her own.  How would I know if she was totally ok? What if she didn't want to call because? I couldn't wait any longer nor did I feel okay waiting I quickly slid into a room without the boys knowing. I pulled out my phone and I called Emerald.
"Hey princess are you okay? " I asked as she answered the phone. 
"To be honest I don't think I've ever been better in my life. I'm so comfortable and I've already written like two songs I'm on my third one. I've made the beats and the lyrics I just havent recorded it vocally. Oppa you think if I wrote a song and a rap part you'd sing it. Like if I made a duet song for me and you? " She kept jambling on.
"Hehe of course I would princess. Hey do you need anything? " I asked her
"Aniyo I've got everything here baby thanks. " she answered. 
"Well then would it be okay if I just came over to watch you then? " I asked. 
"You know I don't see why not why don't you come down. " she stated. 
"Let me get a few things and I'll be right over. Get those songs ready I want to hear what you've been working on." I smiled. 
"You got it oppa they will be ready when you get here. I'm better at making music then I thought I was. I thought this stuff would be hard to understand. It's pretty simple once you get the hang of it. " she said.
"Yep that's what I said once I started loving you. " I smiled.
"Omg Chanyeolie shut up and get your butt over her. " she giggled.
"I'm on my way. " I stated
"Alright bye be safe. " she replied

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