Hi im..

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Arabella's pov
As I sat down and enjoyed Emeralds moms cooking. I couldn't help but notice a boy sitting in the corner. With my peripheral vision I noticed at times he would look up and glance at me but then look away. He was fairly small but not as small as Emeralds "boyfriend"? Was she dating Woozi and didn't tell me yet? When did they start dating? Was it a big deal for me to care? I mean it was just Jihoon aka Woozi from Seventeen. I mean that's no worries, right? Oh wait I might have not said but yeah I know this band too. Emerald and I are basically sisters and fangirl buddies. I knew who the person looking at me was and I blushed because I always thought he was cute. Yet I don't know if I have feelings for him. I finished eating and I went inside to wash up.

Emeralds pov
As Arabella got up and went inside, Vernon felt it was right to sit in her seat next to me. I bit my lip as he sat down then I covered my mouth for no one to notice. Woozi grabbed my hand under the table and intwinned it.
"Babe." He said in my ear. I smiled, he grabbed my seat and turned it his way for us to face eachother. He put his hands on my chin and leaned in to kiss me but he darted to my neck. I cringed as it tickled, I pulled my knees to my chest slowly to not hurt him. He layed his hands on my stomach then came up and layed his lips on mine. A smile crept on my face as we kissed. I was glad he had no shirt on. I outlined his abs with my finger and rubbed his sides. A smile was on his face too. When he seperated I dropped my hand and accidentally caught the edge of his pants. They moved down just a little. "Woops." I said looking down at his waist.
"It's ok." He replied reaching down to lift them.
"Wait!" I said
"What?" He asked looking up at me. "Babe." I slid my finger on the rim of his pants and flicked the top fold down. "What are you doing?" He asked covering my hand.
"Are you shy? Don't worry nothing to hid. I am your girlfriend." I explained standing up as he tripped and sat on the chair behind him.
"But we are in front of all the guys." He said as he looked around.
"Don't worry..look." I said flipping his top layer again.
"Ok." He said confused.
"You have a tan, your tan up here and white here." I giggled.
"Hajima don't laugh at my skin tone." He said. I couldn't help it he was just so cute.
"Hajima." He tickled me and I fell into his chest. I sat on his lap and layed my head in his neck.

Arabella's pov
As I walked back outside, I seen Emerald sitting on Woozis lap.
"Hey Emerald...pool? I don't want to go in alone." I shyly asked.
"Um.." She was cut off.
"Let's go in. I'll go in with you." Dino said.
"Oh r really?" I stuttered
"Yeah come on." He gestured for me to follow him. I took my top and shorts off to reveal my bathing suit. I stepped into the pool and sat on the step to get use to the water.
"Come on it's not that cold." Dino said as he walked in.
"I know it's just.." He didn't let me finish but stood in front of me.
"Come." He said sliding his hand under mine and slowly pulled me in. I couldn't help but smile at the floor. We made it about chest high when,
"You good?" He asked after letting my hand go.
"Me? Yeah." I looked up at him.
"My names Lee Chan but call me.." I cut him off because I got to excited.
"Dino oh I'm sorry." I covered my mouth.
"Oh my I feel weird now." I admitted. "Don't worry about it..so I guess you know who I am?" He asked.
"Me? Oh no Aniyo. I don't know you." I scratched the back of my neck.
"You don't have to lie." He replied swimming in circles around me.
"I'm just a little amazed to know I'm near you. Shy, honoured, happy." I explained.
"Really." He stopped and looked at me. "Yeah my names Arabella, if you didn't get it earlier." I said.
"It's nice to meet you." Dino smiled.
"I like your eyes and your hair is really cute when it's wet." My mouth had no limit, what every came out just came out.
"What like this?" Dino put his head back then looked at me.
"Yeah... Come here." I giggled taking a step closer to him.
"A stran of hair was standing up." I explained and when I looked down Dino was staring at my eyes. I was frozen, lost. You know how people say eyes are the way to the soul. Was it true? Cause I felt I seen exactly who Dino was and its no different from when he's on camera. A fun, cute, funny, respectful little dongsaeng who obeys his hyungs. Someone you would want as your oppa..as my oppa.

S.coups pov
Wonwoo and I were simply caring on a conversation when. I looked at the pool to see Dino and, what's her name? Arabe.. Arabell..Arabella!! That's it. Arabella standing probibly a foot from eachother.
"Yah look." I whispered pointing at them.
"Don't tell me he has Woozi genes." Wonwoo said
"What is that suppose to mean?" I asked leaning back.
"He can get a girl easy, cause he's got swag. Or is it skills?" Wonwoo explained
"Your such a derp." I replied.
"Now what does that mean?" He asked putting down his cup.
"Your dumb." I laughed. He punched me in my shoulder softly so I just reacted by pushing him.
"Why can't we get girlfriends like that?" Wonwoo asked laying his head on my shoulder.
"Probibly..I don't know, don't worry dude good things come at the right time." I reassured patting his hand.

Dino's pov
"So can I ask some personal stuff?" I asked as I looked her in the eyes. "Depends..what?" She replied.
"May I?" I asked looking down into the water. She reached out and I smiled, I reached down grabbed her hand and we walked to the side to sit.
"Ready I'm going to lift you." I explained. She leaned against the wall. "Put your hands on my shoulders and don't worry ok." I slipped my hand out of hers and slowly worked my way to her hips.
"Ready?" I asked. "Yeah." She said a little shy.
"One two three." On three I tightened my grip slowly around her hips and lifted her out the water onto the side. I jumped out the water and sat next to her. She swayed her feet in the water and clasped her hands together, looking away.
"Hey don't be shy. Look at me." I said as I slid my finger under her chin and faced her my way. She covered her mouth as she looked at me.
"What's the matter?" I laughed.
"I just.. I like you. So this right here makes me happy. It..it's a dream come true." She pointed at me and her.
"Oh really? I think your cute." I said to her.
"Stop it." She blushed a little.
"Well you know THIS can become something more." I teased her.
"Dino cut it out or I'll throw you in." She threatened.
"You know looking up at the stars holding hands." I explained. She bit her lip,
"Yah Hajima." She whispered.
"Movies, candle lit dinner, bboe bboe." I bit my lip. I could see it in her face thinking of us together. She looked at me,
"That sounds beauti..." She layed her hands on my back and pushed me with all her might.
"AHAH!!" I was surprised as I felt the water engulf my body. I pushed off the floor to return to the surface.
"What was that for?" I smiled.
"I told you I would." She said looking down at her nails.
"Ah so we are playing this hugh." I grabbed her hands and pulled her in with me.

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