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The8 pov
We all stumbled into the hospital with doctors surrounding us. We all were forced to sit down and let the doctors check us out. I had some cuts, bruises and aches. My lip was cut and my blonde hair had a flow of red, I was bleeding.
"Ms. Where is Lee Jihoon? Woozi? Is he ok, where is he?" I asked as she bandaged me.
"I need you to wash out your hair. So I can see where the wound is coming from." She said.
"Ms. Where is Woozi?" I asked again.
"Sir I apologize but I don't know about him yet. Please I need to take care of you first." She explained. I got up and stomped my way to the bathroom. I stuck my head under the sink with the doctors assistance. Memories flashed through my mind. I seen lights, flashes ,and screams.. I seen Woozi.
"Ughugh..hehaha." I whined taking my head out.
"Are you ok?" the doctor asked.
"No no do I look okay?!" I asked her.
"I apologize." She repeated.
"No I'm sorry." I walked out the bathroom and sat down.
"May I?" She asked touching the side of my head I knoded and she continued to help me.

S.coups pov
I sat in the chair with my head hung low. I layed my hands on my forehead and I could feel tears stream down my face. I could feel the salt water trickle down and rest on my lips. As I traced my tongue over by dried lips, I could taste my tears. My breathing began to be uneasy. All I could think about was seeing Woozi. See him lay on the side of the road. The members pulling me away. The blood that covered parts of his body. He was so stiff and I don't even know how he is right now. He looked so bad, weak. "Woozi...woozi...woozi" was all that came out. When I remembered Jeonghan is also in a bad condition. Tears just started to flow faster and faster.
"Hey hey shh everything will work out. I-I'm sure they will be ok. I..please stop crying." Jun begged.
"Jun I'm scared." I replied.
"Why? They are strong." Jun tried to help.
"I understand your trying to help me relax but I know deep down. Your scaried too." I explained.
"-sigh- I am." He said covering his face.
"I can't do this alone..I need Woozi and then where is Jeonghan I didn't see him come in." I explained.
"I don't know..I just." Jun was lost he had broke. He gave in on being positive. After a couples minutes all the members gathered together in one little area of the hospital. We sat down and held hands to comfort eachother. It was a different feeling, a different look. We are use to seeing eachother happy, laughing and smiling. This time when you look up you see bandages, blood and tear stains. You hear groans, sniffles, whispers, you can hear and feel the terror and depression. Someone walked up to us, as our heads rose we looked at our boss. He just knoded at us then clasped his hands.
I stood up,
"What is that suppose to me?" I asked looking at him.
"I'm so sorry I should have done something to protect you guys. I don't want to see you all like this." He broke down into tears. I sat down again with the members as our boss joined us in this terrible moment. After that a doctor came out,
"Seventeen?" He asked
"Yes?" We answered.
"Woozi is having some time resting before we take him back for surgery. We have him at a stable state. Would someone like to go see him before we take him back?" He asked
"S.coups. S.coups!" The guys told the doctor. I knoded my head and stood,
"Follow me." The doctor demanded. We got in the elevator and made our way to the ICU area.
"Doc how bad is he?" I asked holding my hand.
"The car that crashed into your vehicle. Had crashed right into Woozis seat. So he's in a critical condition, that's why I'm walking fast. He has a few broken ribs, a twisted knee, cuts on his head and other places, a few broken fingers. But he's hanging in there." The doctor explained. I was lost for words.
"What is the surgery?" I asked
"We have to put his ribs together for part of it we have to go near his throat and vocal box.." I jumped
"But he's a singer!" I said
"Yes I understand, we will avoid his areas in which he needs for his vocals. But the surgery requires us to fix his ribs, twist his knee back into place. Also cast his fingers." He explained.
"Ok." We stopped at a door and I walked in. I could see feet poking out from the corner of the wall. I walked up and Woozi was laying there. Eyes closed, tube in his mouth for breathing, wires all around him to check his heart rate. He looked like a experiment, this small boy with all these things on him. It just wasn't right nor fair. I sat in the chair and slid my finger over his hand.
"Why couldn't it be me." I whispered.
Only if I could turn back time I'd put my self where Woozi was. He would know what to do with the group. I'm the leader but I'm lost. He helps me, he guides me on what to do. Why am I the leader? He should be it, he's the vocal leader but still. I don't think I'm ready?
"Woozi hey I hope you can hear me right now..all though you maybe sleeping or something. I feel so weird talking to you and your not acknowledging me.. Um but I'm here for you. I'll be waiting and um fight. Fighting please I love you thanks for all you do. Brothers forever." I basically talked to my self. I looked at his monitory to see his heart began to rise. He moved a little, grounded then. Beep Beep BEep BEEp BEEP BEEEE~. His heart rate got super jumpy. I stood watched him then the monitor, then it went flat. Doctors ran in and went straight to Woozi. I couldn't understand a word, a doctor grabbed a needle and put it in his neck. He was still flat, they gave him a little shock and nothing was working.
"Woozi jebal!" I screamed. A doctor came up to me and sat me down.
"I need you to breathe, just relax everything will be ok." She said. They began to unplug him to rush him out.
They shocked him one last time as they walked out.
"WAIT!" I stood up and the lady pushed me back down. That's when I heard beep. Was he back or was that in my head, the lady looked at me.
"See." She smiled
"Ughugh." I layed my head on her stomach as tears came out.
"I know I know it's scary. I understand but we are here to help. We will try to help him but his life relies on him. We just have to do this in the right time." She explained rubbing my head. She raised my head to look at her and she wiped my tears.
"Do you know Jeonghan?" She asked.

Joshua's pov
"Guys we should inform Emerald." I said looking up at everyone. The boss looked at me quick,
"Emerald? Woozis girlfriend?" He asked
"Yes Woozis girlfriend." I answered.
"That's a great idea. I can meet her, you all know her and so she can be here for Woozi. I can't wait till Woozi comes out ok so I can apologize..I would like to apologize to you all for screaming at you this morning. I now realize I freaked out for a stupid reason. I'm sorry." He explained.
"We forgive you." We all said.
"Who wants to call her?" I asked
"I volunteer." Vernon said.

Vernons pov
I pulled out my phone and walked out of the hospital. I called Emerald and rested on a wall.
"Um h hello?" She seemed scaried to talk to me. I cleared my throat,
"Hello?" I replied
"Vernon?" She said
"Emerald." I sighed
"Vernon, whats up?" She asked
"Have you heard?" I asked her. How would I be able to tell a girl her boyfriend is in the hospital and I have no idea how he is. Then I remembered she must be shy because of us making out. I do feel bad for that but she's just so..never mind.
"No I don't know what your talking about." She said
"I need you to come to the hospital." I said.
"W wait what? Venon?!?! What happened!!" She yelled.
"Please Emerald just come to the hospital, ok?" I said as calm as possible.
"Ok ok I'm coming." She hung up. I walked back inside and everyone was standing up.
"We can go see Jeonghan." They smiled. We all made our way up stairs and into his room.
"H-hey." Jeonghan coughed.
"Hey." We all replied with a giggle. We either sat on the side of his bed or in chairs around his bed.
"So what happened?" Wonwoo asked.
"I got lucky since I had a pillow on my door. I have a bruised rib, a twisted wrist, cuts on my head from the glass but I didn't get hurt bad. I got the side of the car when it spun and slammed it's side into our car. I didn't get hit straight on like Woozi. It HUrts sometimes when I move and talk." He explained.
"Your wrist looks fine." I said
"No it's this one." He said pulling his other hand out from the blanket.
"Oh I see." His hand was wrapped in a brace.
"How's Woozi?" Jeonghan asked and we all looked at S.coups.
"He's..he's not good." He said I had went and rubbed his shoulders.
"Let's just wait and we will see." Seungkwan said.

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