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Chanyeols pov
A few minutes passed and all of us sat around in a circle to talk. I couldn't help but try to slip a glance over into the kitchen. Was she okay? I hope we didn't scare her away.
"You okay Chanyeol?" Wonwoo asked.
"Ah me oh yeah yeah I was just wondering if she was okay." I admit looking down then back over to the kitchen.
"She will be okay." He smiled.
"Hyung can I talk to you?" Sehun asked me.
"Ne." And I leaned over.
"No I mean somewhere else." He looked at me with a straight face.
"Oh ugh Ye Ye excuse us." I got up and we walked to the other living room.
"What's up?" I asked Sehun.
"Have you not noticed anything?" He asked me.
"About?" I was lost.
"Her." Sehun signalled.
"The girl?" I asked.
"Ne hyung the girl. Emerald." He seemed to be getting a little bothered. I flushed through all my memories and tried to remember her face.
"She is familiar." I said.
"Okay your out of it. What have you smoked?" Sehun asked.
"Yah." I slapped his shoulders.
"Oh Mianhae sorry." He apologized.
"What are you trying to get to Sehun?" I asked.
"Hyung we met that girl before. Remember the bubble tea store. The award ceremony we met her backstage. Now here!" He explained.
"Yeah yeah I know oh wow your right." I noticed.
"See not only, do you not remember that fan YOU brought back stage about three years back. You lost at Rock Paper Scissors so you had to bring her backstage and when you played it again it led to something else?" As Sehun spoke I bit my lip knowing exactly who he was talking about.
"If only I could see her again. What about that girl?" I blushed.
"Hyung you like her?" Sehun asked.
"Well yeah she was cute and I mean.. You were there you saw us kiss. She smelt so good and she was so nice. So pretty." I got lost in my visions.
"Do you remember what she wore that day?" Sehun asked.
"Ne." I knoded.
"Put her in those clothes." He whispered pointing to the wall. I closed my eyes and remember the day, her face and the clothes. I couldn't believe it. I gasped and opened my eyes.
"Exactly! That's what I said. I knew I saw her from somewhere." Sehun told me.
"It's her but but how. I'm so stupid how could I have not noticed." I felt shocked, empty, dumb.
"You haven't seen her in three years. She's grown up." Sehun smiled.
"She has a boyfriend." I whispered to my self.
"Oh hyung don't be hurt." Sehun patted my shoulder.
"I was going to ask her out too that day we met but she ran. I told her to wait for me but I guess she got lost. The last time I saw her was when we got in the car. She barged out the doors and we made eyes contact I went to lower the window but the driver left. I lost a part of me that day." I smiled but it faded.
"I'm sorry hyung but I had to remind you. I needed reassurance it was bothering me. I needed to know that was her." Sehun said.
"Thank you. I'm glad to know she's safe and where I can find her." I laughed.
"Let's go back." Sehun demanded.
"Alright." I put on a smile and we both walked out. We sat back down in our spots and Chen was singing a little part of the song I really don't know.
"She's ready." Woozi softly said standing.
My eyes flew that way. Sehun touched my back and I smiled at the floor.
"Don't freak her out remember your her Oppa. I wonder if she remembers." Sehun whispered in my ear.
"I wonder too." I replied. Woozi came over and sat with Emerald on one side of the circle. I slowly looked up at her and she was really quite with her face low. She mostly tried to just look at Seventeen members.
"I have a question or a request." Emerald said looking up and I looked away.
"Ne." Suho answered her and she smiled.
"Can D.O sing a little bit of the song expectation?" She made eye contact with D.O then looked away as he smiled.
"Me me? Oh ne." D.O was happy to be the first one that Emerald spoke to. She smiled, swayed, and lipped the lyrics to the song as D.O sang.
"Ne." D.O knoded his head as he finished.
"Vocals are so wow.." Seungkwan described.
"Thank you." D.O replied.
"Chanyeol op.." Emerald stuttered. I wanted her to say it. Woozi looked at her and knoded.
"Aniyo I can't hehe." She giggled out of embarrassment.
"Emerald who out of Exo do you like? Your favorite member?" Suho asked.
"I can't answer that I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings." She answered Suho.
"You already hurt my feelings when you started dating Woozi." Mingyu stated as he sipped on his drink.
"Chincha? Oppa me? Mianhae. I didn't know." She replied.
"Aniyo I was just playing." Mingyu laughed.
"Haha." I giggled along then fell back onto the floor. After this crazy schedule we have been through. I am tired!
"Chanyeol Oppa." She said I raised my head in shock.
"What?" Sehun asked Emerald.
"Chanyeol is my...Oppa." Emerald said I sat up and she was curled in a ball.
"How do you go from vocal leader to rapper?" Woozi asked.
"I don't know I like a lot of rappers and it just so happens he's one." She said. My heart was beating so fast it hurt. I was so shocked a bead of sweat dripped down my face.
"Wow waa hehe." Kai laughed as he looked at my face. I was blank my face was emotionless. Me? I didn't want the members to notice how happy I was.
"You okay Chanyeol?" Baekhyun asked.
"Me? Emerald me?" I asked.
"Yes." She knoded as she scratched the back of her neck and smiled.
"So cute come here." I got on my knees and walked up to her. I opened my arms. She got on her knees, opened her arms wide and let me in. I hugged her tight and took a quite smell of her. The memories flowed through my head. The first day we met and our first touch.
"I need to talk to you later please." I whispered in her ear. Once I let her go I rubbed her cheek. She was surprised and questionable. But I could tell in her eyes she couldn't wait for later. I went and sat again next to Sehun.
"Should we play some games? Or watch a movie?" DK asked.
"I don't know." Emerald shrugged.
"Ugh S.coups I'm thirsty." I admit hoping he could assist me in quenching my thirst.
"Just go over there and get something. There is water, juice, soda or energy." He explained but I don't feel comfortable to do that.

Emeralds pov
"Show your Oppa the way." Woozi whispered to me then winked.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Ne." He knoded.
"Come on Oppa I'll help you." I stood up and walked up to Chanyeol with my hand open. Hoping he would take it so I could help him get up. Slowly staring into my eyes he placed his hand in mine. I grabbed his hand and lifted him up.
"Follow me." I waved down as I slipped Into the kitchen. I grabbed two glasses and placed them on the counter.
"What do you want to drink?" I asked opening the frigerater.
"J-juice will do." Chan stuttered. I grabbed the juice and pour it. Then placed everything back. After I slid the cup to him, our finger tips touched.
"Haha Mianhae." Chanyeol smiled.
"It's okay." I laughed.
"Your so shy now." I announced to him.
"Ne I don't know why." He rubbed his neck.
"Nerves are weird." I smiled leaning on the counter across from him.
"I have a question." Chan said.
"Tell me." I listened.
"Do you ever recall..." He pointed at me and him. I shook my head to indicate I needed a few more clues.
"Meeting?" He said.
"Oh yeah at the bubble tea store then the awards. Yeah I remember." I knoded.
"No no I mean before that. About three years ago." Chanyeol looked down.
"oh my." I giggled.
"You do?" He asked.
"I'm surprised you remember." I licked my lips.
"You remember." He smiled.
"How could I forget? You changed my life." I admit.
"How? It was the first day we met." He explained.
"You were my first kiss." She hid behind her glass.
"I was!" He was in complete shock.
"Yeah and I tried to find you after but I got lost." I explained placing a hand in my pocket.
"I knew you didn't leave just because. I wanted to ask you something after that happened." Chanyeol said.
"Ask me what?" I sipped on my juice.
"It's worthless now." He giggled leaning back.
"Ah." I didn't question his actions.
"In that case I should just say you were my first as well." He took his last sip and placed the cup in the sink.
"Crazy how many times we have met up." I said.
"Your right basically we began watching eachother grow that's four years." Chanyeol mathed.
"Did you ever think of me after that kiss?" I asked him.
"Of course," he answered, "but let's not talk about it I'm going to blush." He touched his cheeks.
"It felt like prom. Your hands on my hips, my arms around your neck and my back on the wall. I always wanted my first kiss for me to be pinned and I got my wish." I detailed.
"I'm going to choke you." He smiled as his cheeks fluttered a pretty flower pink.
"No you won't." I giggled walking up to him.
"Let's be best friend .. Ne? Here's my phone number." He handed me a paper. I smiled at it.
"Ne." I put it in my pocket and gave him a high five.
"Let's get back out there." I pointed. Soon he followed behind. We went back to the group and I sat near Chanyeol. Woozi looked at me with a curious smile.
"Excuse me." He whispered as he squizzed next to me.
"Hi." I smiled at him.
"Hey." He said a little weird.

Woozis pov
After seeing Emerald walk out of the kitchen with a big smile. I was curious but it only was enhanced when she sat down right next to Chanyeol after.
"Hey babe." I said giving her a sign that I was curious after I went and sat next to her.
"Yes?" She asked.
"Why didn't you come sit next to me?" I asked.
"Oh cause I was talking with Chanyeol and I sat next to him." She said looking at him. It didn't seem like a valid reasoning.
"Is there something I need to know?" I asked.
"No babe what's the matter?" She asked me.
"Oh nothing nothing." I smiled hugging her.
"I love you." I told her as I let her go.
"Mmh." She knoded in responce.
I crinkled my face without her seeing, she didn't reply. What is this?
"Chanyeol Oppa can you sing or rap a song?" She whispered to him.
"Ne." He slightly turned her way and began singing her a song and she swayed to it. Why was she acting so dull. Yet still so vibrant to him. Who was he? He's only a guest. I'm her boyfriend.
"I have a question." I announced.
"Speak." DK replied.
"Has anyone here ever met? Other then today?" I was bound to get to the bottom of her awkward acting of today.
Sure enough Chanyeol and Emerald raised their hands.
"Where have you two met?" Lay asked.
"Yeah?" I acted curious looking at Emerald.
"Where can we begin.." She asked looking at Chanyeol.
"Ha well it's all started 3 years ago." Chanyeol explained what went on, and where they met.

Emeralds pov
I felt butterflies flying in my stomach as Chanyeol spoke of our past. I prayed he didn't and I was glad he didn't speak of our kiss. I didn't want Woozi to know about that. Sehun was looking at me giving me gestures. I knew he knows the whole story because he was always there. Maybe in the end Sehun and Woozi would obviously be able to see I still like Chanyeol...

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