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The8s pov
I was speechless I never noticed anything between Vernon and Emerald. How did she manage to keep it all hidden away? Wasn't she rotting inside from all that pain and regret? OH MY GOSH WHERE IS SHE?! I forgot she ran out and Woozi went somewhere else. We were all gathering in the car heads hung low.
"Is that the end? Did we loose her?" Jeonghan asked. Dino pulled out his phone and called Arabella.
"Hey babe." He said super soft.
"You okay?" I heard.
"Something happened between Vernon, Woozi and Emerald. We don't know where she is. The night just ended up as a slump, I wish you were here with me." Dino said playing with his vest. We were driving down the road when, I got worried. Was she okay? I felt my nerves begin to move. I began to shake I pulled my jacket into my chest tighter.
"Hey are you alright?" Mingyu asked.
"Yeah I think im just cold maybe." I explained.
"Oh a- alright." He replied.
We stopped at a red light and S.coups got out the car and slammed the door.
"Hey where is he going?" I asked nearly jumping out my seat.
"I don't know." Most said.
I got out of the car and stood in the road.
"Minghao!!! Get back in before you get hurt!!" DK yelled.
"S.coups where are you going?" I yelled.
"How can we leave a girl on the streets?! We are going home and she's going to be freezing! Who knows where she is but I'm not going home until I know SHES WARM! We had nothing to do with them but we can help her feel better. She must be lost and heart broken. We are her favorite people, we need to do all we can to let her know we are still here for her. She made a mistake, we all do but in the end she's still family and loves us. She's a fan and we are her idols..Vernon managed to take advantage of her and ruin what Woozi and her had. She needs us and I'm going to find her weither you guys help or not." S.coups had a point. I closed the door behind me and ran up to him.
"I'm coming with you." I explained.
"Come on its getting late and we have no idea where she is." We picked up the pace and began jogging. It was starting to get warm but when I looked at people they were shivering. It was getting hard to breathe, smoke was coming from people's mouths. What was I feeling? Why was I hot when it was obvious the clues showed it was cold outside? My heart was racing.
"Minghao! S.coups!" A few girls yelled but I didn't stop. I was looking down corners, left and right yet she was no where to be found.
"The8..the8.." Emeralds voice was echoing in my head.
"AHAH!" I yelled stopping to catch my breath.
"Hey you okay? What's the matter? Let's stop..breathe." S.coups said.
"We've been running for like twenty minutes now and..WHERE IS SHE?!? How far could she have gone..we passed the arena twelve minutes ago." I explained
"I get it but we can't stop we can get mad all we want. Yeah why would she run away. She should have told us but we have to keep looking. Let's go." We began to walk once again.
"What are we doing? We have her phone number we can call her." I stopped and pulled out my phone.
"Sis? Why do you have her under sis?" S.coups asked.
"That's what she feels like to me." I giggled. As I placed the phone to my ear.
"Woozi?" S.coups said.
"No." I looked at him.
"Woozi...Woozi!" S.coups yelled running up to someone.
"Jihoon why would you not contact us. I've been looking for you guys but I still haven't found her. But why didn't you call me!?" S.coups said.
"Leave me alone." He whispered.
"Woozi please don't be like that. I'm sorry for what happened but you have to think. What really happened? How it happened? And who did what? You know she didn't do it on purpose it was a week after she met us and she was working on it." S.coups explained
"Hello." I heard super soft.
"YAH! HELLO!" I got so exited was it really her.
"Hello." She replied again.
"Emerald?" I asked.
"The8?..Minghao?" She said
"Yes yes it me. Emerald please where are you let me come get you." I offered.
"The8 I'm not going back. I messed up everything and I don't want to be the reason for Seventeen breaking up. I'm sure Woozi and I are over." She said.
"No you guys aren't over he just needs some time. Please Emerald come back all of us are sad without you. Vernons not here please where are you?" I asked and I notice Woozis eyes sparkle as I said her name.
"Where is she?" Woozi asked. I raised my hands letting him know that I don't know.
"Are you going to go see her?" S.coups asked
"I really don't know she cheated on me basically." Woozi said
"Don't lie to yourself. You know that's not what it is. It was Vernon not her, put yourself in her shoes. IF you were around YOUR favorite idolS, wouldn't you accidentally slip up? Jihoon not everybody is perfect, she's a fan. Do you remember the day you walked into her room and saw all those pictures?" S.coups explained.
"Yeah." Woozi said.
"That's a fan wall..Didn't you promise to change those with real pictures? Who was there when you got into that car crash and broke everything? Her. Who was the one who got beat up for you to get bubble tea? Her. Who was the one trying to get over the obsession to LOVE you? Her. Woozi get your mind straight! Everything lately that has been happening that's good or bad. You've been going to her she's your anchor." S.coups said.
"True." Woozi knoded.
"Think." S.coups stood.
"Where are you?" I asked
"The8 I don't want to come back!" She whined.
"Emerald PLEASE okay you don't have to come back just let me come see you so I know your okay!" I explained.
"Are you attached to me too! Are you going to be another Vernon?" She asked.
"How could you compare me to him. No I'm not going to be like him. I'm in the freezing cold trying to find you because I don't want you to be sick. I don't want you to be crying tears on the side of a building with no where to go. When it's as easy as you coming back home with me. I'm working my butt to find you so I know your okay. Your like a sister to me and I wouldn't want anything to happen to you." I explained
A moment of silence leaked through my phone. It was so quite, was she even still there. I let it continue that's when a sigh slipped past.
"I'm inside of a hotel in the lobby by the window. I'm coming out side to see where." She explained and right as she walked outside. I could see from a far. A smile slid across my face. I began to jog to the women six buildings away.
"Is that you?" I asked
"Where? Here I'll wave..oh I'm freezing Minghao hurry its dark." She begged
I walked up behind her and hung up..
"Minghao? Minghao? The8? Yah oppa..what happened?" She shivered as she hung up her phone.
"I'm right here." I whispered. She turned around and smiled down at the floor. Then up at me,
"Hey." I smiled. Her face went straight and she looked depressed, hurt. Her hand went up to her face and covered her mouth.
"Are you okay?" I asked as I layed a hand on her shoulder. She shook her head no.
"You need a hug?" I asked.
"Please." She begged.
"Come here." I opened my arms and she slipped right into them. She wrapped her arms around my chest and layed her head there as well. I placed my arms around her upper waist and rubbed my hands up and down hoping to help heat her up.
"Did anyone else come?" She asked
"Um S.coups and.." I turned sideways for her to see S.coups and Woozi standing about ten feet away. She turned her head to face the opposite way when she noticed the tears resting on Woozis pink cheeks.
Emeralds pov
My heart broke even more,
"Bye The8." I slid his hands off me and started walking away. His hands wrapped around my waist. He spun me around and smashed our lips together. A shock rushed through my body but so did anger. I pushed him off me and opened my was Woozi. He looked down at the floor. I grabbed his cheeks and put our lips back together I felt like a complete puzzle. He took my hands and held one as he placed his other hand on my cheek. I felt the heat traveling through my body and water touch my face. As I open my eyes I could see a tear fall from his closed eyes. I separated and wiped his tear. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and placed my head in his neck.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"No I am..I should have told you once it happened." I explained.
"It's okay." He replied.
I squeezed him tighter, so I felt closer. I didn't want to let go.
"So what now?" I asked as I let go and looked down at the floor.
"Let's go home." He said lifting my chin. I stepped back,
"I don't want to go back there. I don't want to talk to the other guys. They must think I'm bad and then Vernon will be there. What are we even anymore? I'm so lost and worried." I admitted. He grabbed my hand as The8 and S.coups put a hand on my shoulder.
"We are together. We never broke up and I understand but your my everything. If I loose you I must just be dumb. What does it matter what they think? Of course they still love you." Woozi tried to comfort me.
"It matters what they think of me because they are family and those are people I don't want to loose. I love them all but not as much as I love you. Woozi I'll die for you." I explained.
"How about for tonight we get a room here at this hotel. You both can stay as well. I'll call Seventeen and talk to them. Come on we all need to sleep." Woozi demanded as we walked into the hotel.
Arabella's pov
"Why would she go somewhere far? She has no where to go." I told Dino, little did he know I was laying in his hotel bed.
"I don't know but I hope she's fine." He said.
"Me too." I replied.
"Babe?" Dino whispered.
"Ne." I whispered.
"I love you jagiya." He said.
"I love you oppa. Where are you?" I asked.
"Opening up the door to the room. Then I'm going to relax. What you doing?" He asked.
"Laying in bed." I smiled.
"Lucky." I could hear him and his footsteps coming toward the room.
"Here I am." I looked down at my phone and hung up. The door knob twisted and it creeped open. He flicked on the light and I looked at him.
"Surprise." I smiled.
"AH!" He got scared and jumped back I laughed in responce.
"Arabella!" He ran up to the bed and jumped next to me. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed as tight as I could.
"How did you? Where? When? Who?" I quickly shut him up by placing my lips on his.
"It doesn't matter any more." He smiled and we layed down.
"I missed you." He said running his fingers through my hair.
"I missed you too." I kissed his cheek.
Woozis pov
I opened up the room and we all walked in. Emerald walked right up to the bed and got in. I sat on the edge and pulled out my phone. I called Mingyu. Within seconds he answered the phone.
"Woozi!! What's up? You okay?!" He asked.
"Yeah I'm fine. Can you gather Seventeen exept Vernon." I asked.
"Vernons not here but alright." He called out for everyone to meet in the room. It didn't take to long since he said it was me.
"Hey guys I want to make this quick I'm tired and I'm with my baby girl so." I couldn't help but smile as I stroked her hair and she lay her head on my thigh.
"I need help." I admitted.
"With what?" They asked.
"Emerald she doesn't want to come back she's scared of seeing all of you." I explained.
"Did we do something wrong?" Jeonghan asked.
"Aniyo she doesn't want to see Vernon and she's scared because she thinks you guys don't like her anymore. What do I tell her?" I switched my phone to speaker.
"Are you serious? One Vernon isn't here. Two she's family no matter what happens we love her. She's the only girl we know who never flipped out because of our presence. She is like a little sister and takes care of us all. She gave me a girlfriend. She comforts us all. She makes the presence feel more complete, welcoming no matter who is around. It's awkward in the house without her and I don't like it. Tell her Arabella is here she will come. Yeah Woozi tell Emerald I'm here." I heard Arabella's voice and all of our jaws dropped.
"ARABELLA!" Everyone yelled. It was so funny yet surprising.
"Hi guys," She giggled, "tell Emerald she's changed my life. She saved me and helped me in so many ways. That's all she ever does. She try's to help as much as she can. All though me and her argue still sometimes because we have opinions we get over them. At the end of the day we still know how much we love each other. Tell her to help these people by coming back and bringing her love into this home. Don't let one boy who took advantage of you ruin twelve other lives. Come back." Emeralds eyes opened.
"Arabella, Seventeen, family.." She said.
"Emerald? Emerald!" They were shocked.
"Hey don't worry okay. I'll be back just not tonight. We are going to stay here for now but I promise I'll be back tomorrow. Much love guys okay. 사랑해요!" She smiled.
"사랑해요 Emerald." They replied
"Thanks guys. See you tomorrow night." I explained
"Night Woozi!" They answered and hung up. I placed my phone on the night stand and layed in bed with my girlfriend. She put her head on my stomach and her arm over my chest. I layed my head on the pillow and felt like I was at home. I looked over at the other bed and S.coups and The8 were sleeping together. They must of had a rough night as well. I kissed my baby girls forehead and pulled her into my chest.
"I'm sorry, I should have helped protect you. I hurt you not Vernon." I whispered. I pulled the blanket over her and tucked it under her ribs. Already sound asleep she layed in my arms, as if it was a cold snuggling winter. I watched her..I let my eyes rest on her..I didn't want to look away. S.coups was right she is my everything. She my air, my anchor, my life, MY love. I'll try my hardest to never let her go. I grabbed my phone to play a song on the low as I fell asleep. I went to my music and click on Exo - open arms. I slipped down lower into bed and made sure my girl was close. I closed my eyes and let the slumber engulf my body.
사랑해요 - I love you
Jagiya - baby
Aniyo - no

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