End the night

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Vernons pov
-30 minutes later-
My phone rings,
"Hello." I answer.
"Vernon!" She said
"Emerald!" I was surprised.
"Hey I'm here can you come get me. I'm in the lobby." She said
"Y yeah I'm coming." I said. I hung up and ran out the room. I got in the elevator and made my way to the lobby. She was sitting in the chair looking down at her phone. I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder. She looked up and jumped in my arms.
"Oh hi." I said wrapping my arms around her putting my head in her neck. I could use a hug especially after all that has happened. She relaxed and got back on her feet.
"So what's going on?" She asked twiddling her fingers.
"We got into a car crash." I said
"Is everyone ok?" She asked.
"Um most most of us," I stuttered,
"Jeonghan and W~." I looked down. Was I really going to cry in this moment. Out of all times, right now? In front of her, wow I'm about to cry. She grabbed my hand and hugged me. I began to feel her huff and clench. She was crying and so was I,
"Woozi..h how? W why? Vernon I'm scared." She said
"Me too me too!" I layed my head on hers.
"Is he ok?" She managed to ask.
"I don't know I haven't seen him." I said rubbing her shoulders.
"Where is everyone?" She got off me and looked away.
"In Jeonghans room.. Come on." I signalled for her to follow me. As I walked ahead I could hear her little feet walking behind me. I got into the elevator and she came in I closed the door and turned around to see tears streaming down her face.
"Hey...he will be ok. We will be ok, I'm sure of it." I reassured.
They still just slid down her face.

Emeralds pov
I walked into a room to see the rest of Seventeen except Woozi. I said hi to everyone avoiding hugs cause I didn't know the condition of everyone. All I know is they all look scratched up.
"W where's Woozi?" I asked standing next to The8.
"He's in surgery." Someone said.
"Anyone know how bad he is? When can I see him?" I asked looking around.
"Do you want to know?" The8 asked
"Ugh not really." I slid down the wall and sat on the floor.
"When your ready.. S.coups is the only one that knows the details." The8 explained.
"Ok." I knoded bringing my knees to my chest and rested my head on my knees.
"Scoot over." He demanded patting my ribs. I moved over and he sat down next to me. He looked at me and I looked at him. He opened his arms so I leaned into his chest as he hugged me.
"You don't think Woozi would mind?" I asked
"No I'm sure he will be fine with it." The8 said.
"So.." I replied.
"I think it's best if you don't know and you find out later what is going on with Woozi." He said
"I think your right." I explained.
"When the doctors come in saying we can go see him. Can I go with you?" The8 asked.
"Yeah." I smiled curling up to get closer to The8.
"You cold? You feel a little cold." He said
"I'm always cold." I admitted.
"Here." He said as he grabbed a near by blanket and covered the both of us.
-hours later-

The8s pov
"Excuse me." A doctor slightly touched my shoulder.
"Mmh." I woke and wiped my mouth just incase if I was drooling.
"Woozi just got out of surgery if you would like to go see him you are more then welcome." She whispered
"Oh ok ok." I looked down at my chest to see Emerald asleep as well.
"Hey wake up let's go see Woozi." I told her. She shot up out of my lap and stumbled to get on her feet.
"Sh come here." I stood up and grabbed the blanket. She stretched her arms out and yawned.
"What room?" I asked
"ICU room 4." She knoded
"Ok thank you.. When did you sleep?" I replied.
"What time is it?" Emerald asked
"2:30 in the morning." I explained.
"I fell asleep at 12:00" she replied.
"Come on let's go before the other boys wake up." I said opening the blanket she walked in and I wrapped it around her. We made our way to the hall and started to look at the doors.
"Four." I whispered
"Oh yeah." We took a step to the door and she stopped.
"Are you ready?" I asked
"Not yet." She said
"I'll go when you are ready." I said.
"No The8 can you go first." She begged.
"Um yeah." I said as I took a step.
"NO!" She pulled me back.
I laughed as I stood next to her and she laughed in response.
"I'm sorry I'm just...let's go together." She smiled. She slipped out of the blanket and made her way in. Her pace slowed down as she seen the bed. Her hands raised to her heart and rested there. I pulled her into me and back hugged her.
"Wow he took a beating." I said
"Yeah." She knoded

Emeralds pov
I looked over at a bed to see a boy. Someone who looked like I didn't know but in my heart I knew it was my man. He had a tube in his mouth, wires on his chest, bandages,and a cast on his hand. I sat in a chair,
"Wow. Oh my." I covered my mouth.
"Look he made it. He fought he made it." The8 said shaking my body lightly. I smiled in happyness.
"My baby is a fighter." I said
"He is he is." The8 said sitting next to me. I slid my hand under his and held it.
"I'll be waiting right here." I said fixing his hair. I leaned over and kissed his forehead lightly. I then yawned,
"You should go to bed." The8 said looking over at me.
"No I'm..im ok." I said
"You should go.." He didn't finish
"Ok ok I won't argue with you. I guess your right." I explained I walked to the bed and layed down.
The8 came over and put the blanket over me. He smiled at me then tucked the blanket under my ribs.
"The8 thank you. You make me feel not special but I don't know. I feel like your my brother or someone really close like my best friend." I said
"That's good I'm glad to make you comfortable. Sleep well ok" He smiled and walked away. In minutes I fell asleep.

The8s pov
As Emerald fell asleep I stayed up and watched Woozi for a little longer.
As I turned around I seen Emerald curled up in ball. I decided to go to bed as well. I walked up to Emerald and layed down at her feet across the bed, so I wasn't laying like back to back on her. I closed my eyes and fell sound asleep.

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