Help me

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Emeralds pov
I didn't even put on shorts. I only had on the hoody and my bikini. I'm glad the jacket was long. I didn't know where I was going I was just walking or should I say jogging. I was trying to hurry up and disappear just in case if anyone saw me. I didn't want anyone to look for me. I was scared, what happens if Woozi finds out? I don't want Vernon and Woozi to fight.
"Oh my god Woozi I'm sorry." I said I turned the corner and started walking down that street. I just..I don't know I just did it. I didn't even think, I knew what I was doing it just didn't sink in. It felt so..good, his kisses. Everywhere he put his lips it was like a shock. I wanted more, I wanted to kiss him more so I do. His wet hair dripping down my back as he hugged . His mint fresh breath seemed like it would never fade away. How soft his lips felt, the smile he gave me. How light he would hold onto me, yet I felt so secure. I looked down at my self and noticed a scratch on my wrist.
"What?" I was confused where did this come from? I went through what just happened. Replaying it in my head left a smile on my face.
"NO I can't smile at that. But it was so perfect, so right." I whined and that's when it hit me. When he grabbed my hand..when I went to go lift it. He must have accidentally scratched me and I didn't know. Or was it on purpose, did he do it so he could smile at it. Knowing he left his mark, proof that he got his chance with me.
"What if..?" If I gave in so easy to his touch just now, was that not the last time? Will it happen to me again? Where? When? I have to get out of my fangirling stage of loving Seventeen. I have to only love Woozi. Can I do this? This is going to be so hard, it was easy being a fan but being around them all and having to be faithful to one guy. "God me." I begged

Woozis pov
I looked around the table to see my girlfriend wasn't anywhere around. "Hey where's Emerald?" I asked.
"She probably went inside really quick." Her mom guessed. I looked inside and I seen the front door close. I looked at it weird, was it open? I seen a foot, did she just leave and not tell anyone. Where is she going? I got up out of my seat and went inside . I jogged to the front door and opened it. "Babe?" I said softly. She wasn't there, "What the.." I walked to the drive way and looked down the street she wasn't anywhere to be found. No trace, no tracks, no evidence. She will be back soon, I'm sure she's ok. I walked back inside and looked around. Did something around here bother her? I looked up stairs and seen Vernon come out the bathroom.
"Oh hey." I said
"Hey." He replied. I looked around a little more.
"Hey did you see Emerald by any chance in here?" I asked him.
"No I just came in to use the bathroom. Why?" He answered.
"I don't know I looked inside and she just like walked out the door. I was wondering if she was ok. Like I don't understand why would she just up and leave?" I explained
"Oh I dont know man I'm sure she will be ok, she doesn't seem like the girl to let a guy or anyone mess with her." He came down the stairs to patt my shoulders.
"I guess your right, thanks man." I gave him a high five and we walked back outside. I pulled out my phone as I sat down and I dialed her phone number. I put the phone to my ear.
Ring ring..ring ring..ring ring..
She didn't answer, I walked back inside and went upstairs. I knocked on her room door,
"Hello?" I called out. I called her again then I slowly opened the door. I looked in and a light shined.. RING RING RING RING. Her phone was on her counter. I canceled the phone call then went up to the phone. Yeah it was hers, then my feet felt a little cold, wet. I looked down and seen drops of water. "So she was in her room." I guessed. I looked around, could something in here probably have made her walk out? Her bed sheets were ruffled, she must have layed down then got up or something. There was a wet circle on the bed.
"So she layed down, her hair is wet making that and she's outside walking in a bikini. Who knows where? How am I suppose to find her with clues like this?" I asked my self. I feel so stupid I'm no detective but I'm looking at everything and making up a story. I gave in,
"I'll just wait for her to come back." I decided. I walked back outside to see all the guys still eating.
"I would like to say something." Dino said standing. I sat down,
"I would like to make a tost to seventeen. From us just being young kids to us now. From us being trainees to now debut. To being one family, brothers." Dino said.
"Cheers to that." S:coups said and we raised our glasses..of soda of course.

Emeralds pov
After a while of driving my self insane because of Vernon. I felt lost, what do I do now? Do I go back to my house to go hug and love Woozi when I basically just cheated on him. Can I take Vernons glances and lip bites without smiling and blushing. Can I look at Vernon and not want to kiss him at that moment? When he's near me, will it be possible not to think of what happened in my room. I shivered, bit my lip and smiled. Why? A drop of water from my hair just ran down my back.
"Ugh dang it..I can't go home not now. I need to get my mind off him." I stood at the intersection when I recognized a street name. A car pulled up next to me.
"Hey sexy need some help?" Someone called out. I look at them and couldn't help but laugh. It was my best friend. "Yeah I could." I replied.
"Get in I'll help you." Arabella demanded. I got in the car and we drove off.
"Lucky I'm going home so you can get changed into some clothes." She said "No I think your lucky how about you bring some clothes to my house. Let's go in the pool." I suggested
"Why would I want to do that?" She laughed.
"I have thirteen guys at my house at this moment 11 are available." I explained. No ugh I said 11 not 12!! I didn't count right.
"I MEAN 12.. 12 sorry." I fixed my self. "Well if you say so." Arabella smiled. We walked into her house she grabbed her clothes and we left. Cool so now with one of my friends I don't have to focus on Vernon so much. We made it back to my house and I walked in. We ran up to my room so she could change. As I walked in I swallowed I look at my bed and it replayed. I shook my head to forget it, I looked down at my floor and seen the water. I could feel his embrace, his hands around my waist. I shook that way too,
"You okay?" Arabella asked.
"Yeah it's just I'm wet and the fan is going so it's a little cold." I laughed. She got behind my curtain and changed. Once she was done we ran downstairs and outside.
"Guys this is my best friend Arabella." I introduced you to the boys.
"BABE!! I was worried are you ok?" Woozi asked running up to me. He picked me up and hugged me.
"Um yeah I'm ok." I laughed to cover up anything. He let me go and began to lean it..memory flashed.
"I'm hungry!" I said letting go of him and going to the food.
"Arabella you hungry?" I asked serving my self.
"A bit." She said coming up to me. We served our selves then sat down to enjoy the company of the boys and the sun beating down on our skin.

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