"Oh shut up, act like you've never had a sex dream before." I defended myself.

"I haven't, and even if I ever had before, I still wouldn't be as loud as you were." The pale boy shot back and got off my bed. "Whoever you were dreaming about must've been pretty good." He chuckled while walking over to his side of the room.

Now it was my turn to laugh, if only he knew. "Yeah, he might as well been a porn star." I smirked. I was about to get up off my bed to go fix my problem in the shower, but Kellin's voice stopped my actions.

"He?" He questioned, and turned around to face me with a face of shock and confusion.

"What?" My face mimicking the confusion on his.

"You said, 'He might as well been a porn star'." He pointed out.

And when he did, realization washed over me, yes I am gay. Did he know that? I don't particularly know. I mean, he could've assumed it since I did kiss him. It's not a secret that I'm gay, everyone knows I am. That's why Ronnie and his group hate me so much, and if I didn't have power over them and the whole school, I'd probably be in Kellin's situation.

"Yes, I said he." I said, just to mess around with him. I want him to ask me before I tell him.

He hesitated before speaking, as if it was a sensitive topic. He did that a lot, make a big deal out of things, maybe it was just in his nature. "Are you like, gay?"

There it is, the million dollar question. I rolled my eyes in fake annoyance, and smirked. "Yes, Kellin. I'm gay."

"And you didn't tell me?" He accused.

"Why would I tell you unless you asked?" I shot back. I was taken aback by his question, but I recovered quickly.

"I told you that I was gay. Don't you think that would've been a good time to tell me you're gay as well?!" He asked, almost angry that I didn't tell him sooner.

"You never asked if I was gay until just now." I said, keeping my calm. There's no need to get in a fight about this, and I was the one to be calm and mellow in this situation, then so be it.

"I didn't want to offend you by asking you."

"Why would that offend me?" I asked, curious.

"I don't know, most people think being gay as a problem." He said, softer and more quiet this time.

I got up off the bed, and got my change of clothes before walking over to him. I put my hand on his shoulder and spoke. "I'm not most people, Kells."

And with that I walked into the bathroom to fix my problem, leaving Kellin looking confused and shocked at the same time.

[Kellin's POV]

Fast forward 3 days after the sex dream, things between Vic and I were normal again. And by normal I mean no more awkwardness from the kiss, or the fact that I heard him masturbate in the shower after he had the dream. That bastard didn't even bother silencing his moans, he acted like I wasn't in the other room and I couldn’t hear anything that was going on. Well, his little tactic left me with a little problem for almost the remainder of the day, until he left. I fixed it when he left.

I called my uncle that day as well, and with much convincing and time, I finally got him to let me leave to visit the guys. But, he wasn't paying for my ticket the way there or back, and he's not letting me stay at the house. He said if sees me at all while I'm there, he'll make sure I'll regret ever coming back.

All of this was fine by me, although the little threat did make my stomach churn uneasily. I would just stay with Jesse, and avoid my Uncle, my original plan to begin with.

You Stole My Heart With Your Diamond Blue Eyes (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now