Queen of Persia Chapter 19

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Copyright © 2012 preciious-diamondz 

Chapter 19

Haman went forth that day very pleased with himself. He had been invited to a second banquet with the king and the queen.

But when he saw Mordecai his spirit was crushed. Mordecai did not rise nor tremble in Haman’s presence, which filled the Agagite with rage.

Haman ground his teeth together to stop himself from exploding right there outside the king’s gate in front of everyone and went back home quickly.

Upon his arrival he sent his servants to go fetch his friends. He wanted to boast to all of them about his day, partly to make himself feel better after seeing Mordecai.

He was greeted by his wife when he came into the house and told her to bring out the best wine and food for his guests. She obediently did as he requested and set the table, bringing out the best of everything they had.

A short time later his friends arrived and were seated at the table. Haman sat at the head and began to tell them all about what had happened. He boasted about his wealth he had gradually acquired, then moved on to talk about the many sons he had. After this he bragged about how the king had magnified him and exalted him over the other officials and servants.

“Furthermore,” spoke Haman, “Queen Esther invited only me to accompany the king to the banquet that she prepared! And also tomorrow I am invited along with the king.”

There were lots cheering and clapping from the table, as all of Haman’s friends were eager to congratulate him.

He sighed heavily though, remembering who he saw near the palace.

“Yet all of this fails to satisfy me so long as I have to see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the king’s gate.”

Zeresh, Haman’s wife who had said nothing at all until now, spoke up at these words.

“Have a gallows seventy-five feet high built, and in the morning tell the king that Mordecai should be hanged on it. Then go with the king to the banquet contented.”

Haman smiled over at his wife's sudden response. She was a quiet woman, but came up with the craftiest ideas from time to time.

He liked her idea very much, so he ordered one of his servants to hire men to start building in his courtyard immediately.

So while Haman and his friends were still drinking, his servants had gallows build for Mordecai, but told no one of whom they were intended for. People who saw the construction of the gallows asked no questions either, as they feared they would share the same fate of whoever Haman planned to hang. 

“I will have the men work through the night and into the hours of the morning to see the gallows built in time.”


A few hours later, Haman’s guests went back to their homes, thanking him for the feast his wife had laid out for them.

As the last guest left Haman turned to his wife and asked, “Should I go now to the king?”

“You are very eager, but is it wise to disturb the king? For all we know he could be sleeping.”

Haman looked out a window and up to the night sky.

“I believe it is best I go now. The king will often be up very late attending to official matters. I do not believe I will get any sleep if I wait until morning to request Mordecai’s public execution.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2012 ⏰

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