Queen of Persia Chapter 6

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 6

 “Will you be okay to prepare the room for Josie? It will only be an hour or so,” said Hegai.

“Yes,” replied Esther. “Will you use another entrance to bring Josie here?”

It was Hegai’s turn to nod.

“I will bring her in via a back entrance that is closer to your room,” he replied, turning to walk out of the room.


Josie kept her arms wrapped around her body tightly, continuing to sob quietly. A year of preparation for a few moments with a king that was not pleased with her; a few simple mistakes here and there had cost her the only chance of becoming queen.

She looked back at the doors to the king’s private chambers resentfully. She could have shown the king everything if only he’d not been so harsh. She reached up and touched the tiara again, breaking out into a fresh round of sobs, knowing she’d never get to wear a headpiece so royal ever again. She would become a concubine, only to be alone with the king if he remembered her name and needed a favour.

Josie’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of running feet on the smooth marble floor. She looked up to see an approaching Hegai carrying a blanket of some sort.

He slowed down as he reached her, nodding at the guards to give them some privacy.

“My dear Josie, what has happened?” asked Hegai gently, wrapping the soft, dull blanket around her for warmth.

Josie’s shoulders heaved up and down as she tried to calm herself before speaking.

“I-I don’t r-really know,” she stuttered, unable to form a proper sentence. “He didn’t like my outfit and then h-he told me I would not make a very g-good queen.”

Hegai nodded sympathetically, leading her away from the chamber. He knew she wasn’t telling the whole truth and was making out it was the king’s fault that she had not been given more of a chance. Josie was an example of what happened when an ill-prepared person went to see the king.

“I don’t want to go back to the harem Hegai,” Josie whispered.

“I know,” replied Hegai, keeping one hand on her shoulder as he led her through the palace. “That is why I will be taking you to Esther’s room to change into normal clothes and I will have you sent to the concubine’s quarters to settle in. I do not want the other girls harassing you about what happened, so you need not worry about a thing.”

Josie sniffed, nodding her head awkwardly.

She was still too upset to say much and too shocked to blame someone else for her misfortunes. All she could do for the time was allow Hegai to guide her through the palace and back to Esther’s room.


Esther placed one of her favourite dresses down on the bed, smoothing it out and wiping it down. It was a light blue one that fell to the floor and was made up of three layers. Next she took a brush and laid it down beside the dress, realising Josie may want to comb her hair out of its elaborate style.

She stood back to admire her little display and jumped at the sound of a knock at the door.

“Come in,” she called, turning around to see if Hegai and Josie were there.

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