Queen of Persia Chapter 2

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 2

Esther woke up from a deep sleep and looked around her and saw all the other girls were sound asleep.

She got up and carefully made her way over to the doors that led out to the palace gardens. She gently shut the door behind her and walked down the steps that led to the lush green gardens.

She walked bare foot on the soft grass, enjoying the feeling of the coolness of the dew on her feet.

She walked over to a bush covered in little white flowers that were just starting to bloom and inhaled their scent – it was truly amazing.

She continued to walk to different plants and admire them.

Back at her old home, the only plants they had were for growing fruit or vegetables – for there was little room for anything else.

“Why are you up so early?” asked Hegai from the steps.

“Why are you?” asked Esther smiling.

Hegai raised his eyebrow.

“I am the king’s royal eunuch – my job starts early and ends late. I am just curious to know why you would be up so early; for the other girls do not appear to be early risers.”

“I just wanted to admire the royal gardens. This one seems particularly beautiful,” said Esther, reaching out to a stray flower.

“Most people overlook small things like that. They cannot see the beauty in the little things in life,” said Hegai, already thinking of how many girls would be like that.

“May be that’s because their too caught up in their own little world,” suggested Esther.

Hegai laughed.

“I think you might be right,” said Hegai, walking towards the harem’s sleeping quarters. “We are starting early, perhaps you would like to make your way to the breakfast table and find something to eat before all the other girls come.”

Esther nodded and walked over to where a few servants stood, ready to assist her – as if she needed help choosing breakfast.

She was grateful to be the first to eat – for she didn’t want the other girls asking why she didn’t eat certain meats or other foods that were on offer.

She piled many kinds of fruits onto her plate and looked around for a nice spot to sit.

She moved towards a tall tree what provided plenty of shade and a sturdy trunk to lean against.

“How come she got to eat first?” whined one of the girls to Hegai.

“Esther was awake before any of you – in fact I had to wake some of you up. May be if you got up a little earlier you could be first.”

The girl huffed and went to join her little circle of friends.

One by one each of the girls went to sit down somewhere in the garden and began to eat their food.

The last two girls to receive their food saw Esther sitting by herself under the tree and decided to join her.

“Mind if we join you?” asked one of the girls, plopping down next to Esther.

“Not at all,” smiled Esther, making room for the other girl.

“I’m Laleeia, and this is Jess,” said the girl, gesturing to herself and to her friend.

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