Queen of Persia Chapter 9

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 9

“I think I need more gold,” said Tara to one of the servants who was helping her with a necklace. “Maybe some of those pearl bracelets too.”

The servant nodded and went to grab the bracelets while another made sure Tara’s hair was perfect.

They all knew better than to argue with a candidate, especially after the fuss Josie caused. She had had them run off their feet non-stop and changed her mind constantly. She wanted adjustments made on everything and nothing was good enough. She started crying when one tiny bead became loose from the dress and refused to be patient. Thankfully, Tara wasn’t too bad.

“I hope the king likes this colour. It brings out my complexion right?” asked Tara nervously.

The servant came back carrying the bracelets.

“Of course, you look incredible.”

Tara held out her arms as the servant slipped on one bracelet at a time.

“What would you like to wear on top of your head?” asked another servant who stood near Tara.

“The small gold tiara,” smiled Tara, pointing over to the table that was used to lay out all the jewels and decorations. “I think it isn’t as bold as Josie’s was, but it still has a real touch of royalty and class, don’t you think?

The servant smiled back and nodded, walking over to the table which Tara had pointed at. She picked it up carefully and brought it back over to Tara, who bobbed down and stayed still as the servant placed it on her head.

“Thanks,” muttered Tara as she stood up delicately.

The servants stepped back and allowed Tara to move past them all as she went over to the mirror to get a better look at herself.

She did a small twirl, slowly eyeing every part of herself and trying to pick up on any errors.

Her hair was smooth and silky, styled so it was straight and went down half her back; her cosmetics complemented her skin tone and eye colour; her dress highlighted her assets and hid her flaws; and lastly, her jewels sparkled on her, creating a ray of light that reflected off her as she spun.  After a few minutes of staring at herself, she was left satisfied nothing was out of place.

“Tara?” called Hegai from the other side of the door. “May I come in?”

Tara shook herself out of her thoughts and turned around as Hegai walked in.

“Is it nearly time?” she asked anxiously.

Hegai nodded.

“If you are ready, it is best to make your way to the king now. You will get to spend more time with him that way, and I am sure that is what you want for your big night.”

“Oh yes,” replied Tara, gathering the hem of her dress. “I should hope he likes me being on time.”

“As a king yes, it is important to come at the time you have been requested to come,” said Hegai, taking her hand and holding it as they walked in-step out of the room.


A corridor and a few steps down stood Esther with the other girls, waiting patiently for Tara to make her appearance before being swept off to Xerxes’ private quarters.

“I’ve heard it was silver,” Esther heard one girl whisper to the other.

“I’m positive it’s gold,” said the other.

“How would you know?” asked the first, raising her voice a few octaves.

“Jess told Aria, and then Aria told me,” replied the second.

“How did she find out?” asked Esther, interrupting both the girls.

"I'm not sure. Tara probably told her the other day or something," said the first.

 ‘Or she was snooping around,’ thought Esther.

 The girls had little respect or privacy for one another, especially for this particular issue. Esther was thankful she would be last and she wouldn't have to deal with unwelcome guests trying to take a sneak peek at what she was wearing. That was something that should be special and cherished only by the girl and the servants that served her – not the entire harem.

Loud cheering and squealing interrupted Esther’s thoughts and she looked towards the stairs, knowing that Tara would be in eyesight within a couple of seconds. She craned her neck to see Tara and smiled as she saw Hegai holding her hand gently, while her other hand was curled up into a ball that clutched the dress’ golden material.

Tara glittered like an array of diamonds, the setting sun’s light catching off her jewels and reflecting golden light onto the faces around her.

Esther couldn’t help but squint; Tara was a walking orb of sunshine.

Both she and Hegai made their way down the steps carefully and the girls watched on, mesmerised by Tara's chosen outfit. Her beauty was unmistakable and her atrractiveness undeniable, but as Esther got a better look at the girl, there was something missing. Sure, she was lovely and pleasant to look at, but she seemed to lack the more important inner qualities of a person.

Esther gave her a reassuring smile as she passed, knowing the girl needed all the encouragement she could get. It was not every day a peasant was turned into a princess, let alone a princess who would spend one night with her king. 


No editing or anything, just a small chapter for those who have been waiting for so long! My deepest apology for the shortness, its so weird having my freedom back from studying and I haven't really fully caught up with writing yet. Hopefully this will make some people happy! Vote or comment? I love feedback! <3

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