Queen of Persia Chapter 16

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 16


Meanwhile, the celebration drew on for another few hours before anyone decided to leave the palace gardens. When they did the king declared all of his servants who were outside the palace’s gate were to bow down and pay homage to Haman. Amongst all these people was Esther’s uncle Mordecai. As Haman stepped past the palace’s gate, all those who lined either side of it bowed down as he walked past – all except Mordecai. He stood tall and lifted his chin as Haman came towards him.

One of the servants next to him looked up and frantically whispered to Mordecai, “Bow down my friend, Haman is coming this way.”

Still Mordecai refused to bow down to Haman.

He watched as Haman walked past. The man did not even look at Mordecai and continued on his way.  Mordecai could not tell whether his disobedience had gone unnoticed, or whether Haman had purposefully chosen to ignore it.

As soon as Haman was well out of ear shot and out of sight, the man next to Mordecai stood up at shot him a glare.

“What is wrong with you? Did you not see the king’s official?”

Another servant joined in.

“Mordecai what has gotten into you? You know the rules and laws that govern people in this land. Why did you not bow?”

Mordecai smiled but chose to say nothing. They would not understand his reasoning or why he refused to bow down.

He worshipped the Lord, not a man. He could never bow down to Haman, and that was something many could never fully comprehend.


Esther spent as much time as she could in daily prayer and devotion, asking the Lord for strength and help. As it turned out her uneasy feelings towards Haman the Agagite did not vanish like she had hoped. The very mention of his name disturbed Esther.

Whenever the king talked of him Esther had to stop herself from frowning, and instead pretend she was interested in hearing about Haman. Sometimes when the pair were enjoying some time alone, away from their busy schedules as king and queen, Haman would come to talk to the king. Esther was growing tired of his attempts to interrupt her time with Xerxes, and would often leave when he came into her presence.

Little did she know, her uncle Mordecai was having the same kind of trouble.

After a few more days had passed, Mordecai had had many oppotunities to bow to Haman as he left through the king’s gate for the day. Each time everyone would bow down as Haman walked past, but still Mordecai would remain standing.

Every day he was confronted about his decision not to bow down, and every day he simply smiled and refused to response the many questions and insults that were thrown his way.

The servants around him decided on the fourth day that they had had enough of Mordecai’s \ disobedience. One of them pulled him aside and into a small group of people.

“Why do you not bow before Haman, or tell us the reason why?” asked one of the servants.

Mordecai sighed.

“I am a Jew, and I will not bow down to a man. I will worship the Lord, as that is what I have been called to do as one of his Chosen People.”

The servants all looked at one another and chose to leave Mordecai alone. He had a religious reason for his disobedience, but would Haman still accept that as an excuse?

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