Chapter 25

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I toy with my food. Alec watches me carefully. "Darling, you need to eat." His voice is soft.

"I'm not hungry."

"You said that last time." His voice is a little louder.

"I'm not hungry."

"Darling, I'm not letting you leave this table until you eat." Alec frowns at me.

"I'm not hungry."

"If you're only going to say three words, say something else!" He slams his fist against the table. I look up at him, the first time I'd given him any indication that I saw he was there.

"I hate you."

Alec's gaze was chilling but I'd become numb to fear. I didn't care what happened. I prayed he killed me. I prayed he set up another game so I could purposefully kill myself. I had become a monster in my attempt to get away from a monster.

"Cooperation." He says simply and stands. I pick up my bowl of soup and slam it on the floor.

"Is that cooperative enough?" I heave in my anger. Alec stares at me, looking down at the shattered bowl before slowly moving past me to walk out. I would have rather had him explode, shove me, hit me, say something heated, than have him walk out as calmly as he did. Alec knew that.

Before Alec leaves the room I pick up a piece of the bowl and throw it at him. It hits the wall beside him. Alec pauses. He looks from the wall to the floor and then he leaves, never turning to look at me. I kicked the chair. My anger had my hands shaking and I lowered myself to the ground.

"My name is Austen Grey." I whisper. The words seemed to echo in the room.

"I've been in here for two days." My lip trembles and my eyes started watering.

"But someone was looking for me." I wipe at my tears.

"And I will get out." My eyes let out their last few tears. I sat on the ground for a long time, staring at the shards of the broken bowl. I'd have stared at those shards until I died, but Alec came back in and captured my attention.

"Darling, will you join me for a walk?" Alec offered his hand. He was awfully quiet and placid. His face was calm and yet I could see the fire burning behind his eyes. Alec looked from his hand to mine and waited patiently.

My hand moves to slide into his. Alec helps me straighten and then lets go of my hand. That's how I knew he was planning something. He always kept me close, never letting me leave his side, for fear that I would escape, or worse kill him.

I prayed for the latter.

My body recoiled from Alec and I didn't follow him. Alec paused in the doorway. "Please, Darling, I would rather not have another argument. I'm quite tired of them in all honesty." Alec's eyes meet mine and I notice how tired he looks.

"Me too." I say quietly, my voice cracking. Alec looks me over before setting his jaw and turning away from me.

"Then would you like to explain to me why we have visitors?" Alec asks. He won't face me and my stomach drops.


"We have visitors, Darling, and I need you to come with me." Alec's voice is becoming more tense. I frown and start to follow him, wondering if he'll lead me to the 'visitors.' I doubt it.

"Alec?" I try to get his attention as he leads me down the dark hallways. He doesn't turn to acknowledge me or my word. My eyes watch the muscles of his back that move as he walks. "Alec?"

"What?" He spins around and grips my shoulders with his hands. My eyes grow wide. His thick form in front of me is terrifying. I swallow before continuing with my question.

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