Chapter 20

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There comes a point in everyone's life when they think about dying.

I'm at that point.

I'm completely disgusted with myself that I thought about killing Alec, Alex, and Trisha. Everything in me is screaming to not go through with the mastermind plan that I've created but I don't think I can stop. I'm losing my sanity, but in order to save myself I need to have a defense system.

The book was filled with instructions to the traps. It showed ones that should be used to kill, to harm, to scare, or to be unexplainable. I had found the list of the traps Alec planned to use tomorrow at the beginning of the book. They wouldn't be set up until later, but something told me Alec needed this to make his traps successful.

I'd retreated to the dining room. My body covered the book as I peered into it. Paranoia was settling in to the highest degree. I found the book to be well written and very precise. It was interesting, needless to say, but I was never so afraid to do anything in my life.

There was a very small chance I could make this successful. I reread the page I was on:

In order to trigger the contraption the player must set off cord E-74. This will set off the correct velocity to capture the player in a-

I hear footsteps. My heart beat increases. I sprint towards the door to the basement, praying I make it before someone else does. As I descend the stairs I listen intently for someone following me. I don't hear anything.

I enter the basement, book in hand. There are no souls in sight. My feet lead me to the tunnel and I inspect it with the utmost scrutiny. It wasn't sealed.

I flip through the book, noticing the page which has a picture of cord E-74. I looked at the cords, frowning when I saw the simple string that reached up to the ceiling. My ears caught the sound of yelling upstairs. I brushed it off, looking over the cords again. The yelling increased above me.

I struggled to comprehend how all of this was set up with such precision. Not one string touched another. It was such an ingenious creation and you could not help but stare at the effectiveness. The shouts became louder.

I set the cord up so that the next one to walk by the trap would trigger it. According to these instructions, it would only "capture the player in an entanglement long enough to slow them."

I shuffled up the steps after that, reading instructions as I felt my way up the stairs. It wasn't long before I could make out the words.

"She took it! I'm telling you!" Alec's voice pierces the air. I pause at the top of the stairs and take those horrid glasses off so I could see. It was a constant struggle to put them on and take them off. My attention was once more grabbed by the rebuttal of Alex.

"Alec! There is no way she could read the book. The glasses are always kept in a separate room unless they're in use. You know that she couldn't have possibly-" Alex stops talking. I smirk, fingering the glasses in my hand fondly.

Oh, how sweet revenge will be.

I chuckled as Alex resumed talking. "Maybe you've misplaced it. You seemed so willing to misplace your attention during the games, specifically to Austen. I could see how you fell into that pattern again. We will check the library."

"Why are you so quick to assume it was my fault? My actions were anything but distracted when I focused on Darling and I-"

"You cannot focus on one girl, Alec. That ruins the-"

"I am sick of your accusations!" Alec's voice was roaring. I flinched even though I couldn't see him. "I am running this game! You were never in charge of her, you didn't know her like I did. Alexander, I don't want you to accuse me of one more thing or I will-"

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