All my felt one lubed finger enter me and I didn't know what to do with myself. I started to make small noises of pleasure and when he noticed them, he added another causing me to increase my volume. He pulled them both out and slid something huge into me. It hit my prostate and I moaned loudly. He pulled my underwear back up. "Kneel." He commanded again, this time it was a little harder but I got down.

"If you come before I say you can, there will be consequences. Understood?" His voice was so dominant. I had never experienced him like this, and I enjoyed it.

"Yes, sir." I responded. He moved away from me and I waited for whatever to happen.

All of a sudden, vibrations shook me. Vibrations surged through my cock and up inside me. No, I thought to myself. He wasn't going to make this easy for me.

"This will hurt at first, but search for the pleasure. It'll be amazing." He spoke which confused me. The sharp feeling of multiple leather strips striking my skin, resolved my confusion. I hissed in pain. I tensed up. "Relax. Relax and search for the pleasure." The whip cracked onto my skin and I hissed louder again. I tried to relax but I couldn't.

Another crack and another hiss escaped my mouth. Yet, I was slowly feel the pleasure. It was only a matter of time. It cracked down and my hiss turned into a yes.

The whip cracked down "Yes!" I shouted and I threw my head back in pleasure. He chuckled. He let the leather strips glide across my skin before striking it again.

I had gotten used to the vibrations, that surged. I didn't think they could get any higher. But they did. He turned them up. I could my body trembling with pleasure. It was hard to try and keep my balance. It was hard for me to remain up right. It was a challenge to keep my composure.

My lip quivered as I bit down on it. I whimpered. It was all too much. I had to hold back but I couldn't. I wanted to deal with myself but I was restrained. So I had to wait it out.

I felt the leather strips glide across my legs. "No..." I whispered to myself. He knew exactly what he was doing. They moved down my inner thigh and lightly touched my throbbing cock. I heard him chuckle. He knew what he was doing to me.

The whip struck my inner thigh and I moaned loudly. I was panting like a dog. I was breathless. He was purposely making sure that the whip made contact with my cock. He was torturing me.

He turned up the vibrations. I could feel all my blood rush down south. I couldn't take it. I couldn't do it. I was due to come at any second. The whip hit my chest three times, but the sensation was amazing me. The glided the leather strips all around my body.

I could hear the wind generate around the whip and he struck my back one last time. The mere force of the whip sent me onto the ground. My whimpers of pleasure never stopped. I was trembling in pleasure on the ground. Then, all of a sudden, the vibrations stopped.

I was panting on the the ground and sweating. I still needed release but I knew it wasn't coming any time soon. I knew I wasn't coming anytime soon.

He lifted me of the ground but my legs felt like jelly. "I told you that you couldn't come unless I told you to." He growled but I was confused. His hand cupped my crotch area and I moaned. I was extremely sensitive and I felt as if anything could set me off at any second. "You have a wet spot...right here." His thumb went over and over a part of me and it was bringing me closer to my peak. "I was going to be nice and take the things out if you, untying you and fucking you myself but before that happens, you have to suffer the consequences." I gulped at his words. I didn't know what the consequences were.

He walked away for a second and the vibrations came back on at an even higher.
He pulled me over his lap and instantly I knew what was coming, but it wasn't me. "I going to give you ten spankings." He informed me as his hand graced my cheeks.

His hand rose and I tensed up, waiting for his hand to come back down. His hand came down with full force. The sting was so strong. I whimpered and bit my lip. "Count." He commanded.

"O-One..." I shakily counted. I could feel the heat on my cheek. I knew it'd gone red. His hand rose again and came down with full force. I whimpered again. "T-Two..." With each spank came with a gradually quiet number and a muffled whimper. It was the final spank. My cheek felt numb and hot. I was a sweaty mess and I felt my cock feel hard and in need of some form of release.

His hand came down at full force. As it came down it shifted me a little, causing my hard cock to rub against his thigh. "A-Ah..." I moaned out and he lowly chuckled. "T-Ten." I finished counting and his hand rubbed my hot cheek.

He put me down onto the ground and decreased the vibrations. I heard a zipper go down and pants fall to the ground. "Kneel." He commanded and I did so. "Suck." I opened my mouth and his cock entered.

I brought myself upright and began putting my mouth to work. My head bobbed as my tongue swirled around his cock. He got a hold of my hair and firmly grasped it. He moved himself further and further down my throat. He groaned in pleasure. He thrusted vehemently and then stopped. He let go of my hair and pulled me off. I caught my breath again. I was panting so much. I felt like I was in the Olympics and it was never ending.

He pulled me up onto the bed and untied my arms. Just for a second. He brought my arms over my head and tied them the the headboard of the bed. He took the ring off my cock and pulled the plug of me.

He rejoined me on the bed. "Now, it's my turn." He entered me. He began thrusting hard and quick.

"Oh my God." I whisper shouted to myself.  He out performed the vibrating plug. His thrusts got harder and harder. It hit my prostate and I screamed. He began placing kisses on my neck. They always left me breathless.

Our lips connected and my desperation came through. I think he could tell. His thrusts turned into pounds and I knew I was going to be sore tomorrow. He pulled away sucking on my bottom lip.

"S-Sir..." I breathlessly called out to him. "I can't ta..." He brought his lips to my neck and kissed it delicately. "...take it. I'm going to come."

"I'll help you." He whispered deeply into my ear sending shivers down my spins. He wrapped his hand around my rock hard cock and gasped upon contact. He began stroking me and I began to feel light headed. I was painfully hard and I just wanted to come.

I was almost there but I needed one more push. "" I whispered. " me get there, sir..."

His hand wrapped around my throat and began tightening. It was what I needed. I began to feel more and more lightheaded as I got closer and closer.

An orgasm ripped through me. I couldn't see, hear or feel anything. I was in a state of pure ecstasy. I had never felt this good before. It felt like fireworks were going off inside of me. It was overwhelming and I didn't even know to how to portray my pleasure.

I trembled and shuddered as I slowly came back to reality. Scott untied my arms and took off my blindfold. I could finally see. I took a while for my eyes to adjust to the lighting in the room.

I looked over my body and red marks practically everywhere. I tried to get up but I couldn't. My legs felt like jelly. Scott looked back at me and smiled. I could tell he was out of his dominant mode. "Are you ok?" He asked me sweetly and I nodded. "The whip marks will fade by tomorrow, hopefully." He informed me. Scott joined me on the bed.

I snuggled myself under his arm and rested my head on his chest. "I'm sorry for kissing Alex. It was wrong and stupid an-" He kissed me on the lips to silence me.

"It's ok, now." He smiled at me. "Just let me know you'll never do that again."

"I won't. I promise." I replied and I meant it. This opened my eyes. I should
never betray him because he is everything I could've dreamed of and more.

"You know, you're a really good sub." He enthusiastically spoke and I laughed weakly.

"Well, you're a really good dom." I replied and he laughed.

"And you're a really hot sub too." He added. His fingers ran through my hair, relaxing me.

"I appreciate that." I giggled. I was drained from everything that went on today. I felt my eye begin to flutter and I eventually fell asleep.

a/n: this is officially the longest thing i've ever written.

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