Chapter 21//Christmas

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***Ashton's POV***
"Calum can I talk to you privately?" I asked him as we waited outside the hospital while Riley was getting some sleep. "Sure." He shrugged, following me to the waiting area which was practically empty. I sat down on the seat trying to plan what to say in my head. He sat beside me.

"What's wrong?" He asked, genuine concern on his face. "It's about Riley... And what she said about you in that note..." I started, pausing to think for a moment. He nodded.

"She really likes you Calum... Do you feel the same about her?" I finished, Calum immediately responded. "Yeah I do." He nodded his head as he spoke.

"Look, whatever she's going through right now... I think you might be able to help her, but just remember she is my daughter, so if you hurt her I hurt you, are we clear?" A smile spread across his face at my words. "Ashton are you saying you don't mind us dating?" He asked almost in disbelief. I nodded. He gave me a one armed hug. "Bro I love you." He said before walking away, with me following close behind.

As we sat down next to Luke and Michael I pulled out my phone.

To Nicole 😍: hey can we talk?

From Nicole 😍: sure babe, what's up? x

To Nicole 😍: Riley woke up and I heard about the things you said to her, consider us over.

From Nicole 😍: I didn't say anything to her

To Nicole 😍: whatever. Don't mess with me, my band or especially my daughter. We're done.

I then blocked her contact number and let out a sigh of relief, that could've gotten so much worse if I didn't do something now. When I put my phone back to the home screen I noticed the date.

December 24th

"Holy crap it's Christmas Eve!" I said excitedly. The other boys looked up at me. "It is?" Michael asked excitedly. I nodded. We had gotten so distracted staying here that we forgot about Christmas. Our conversation ended abruptly when Riley's nurse came out of her room.

"Riley is awake now if you would like to go in again, she had a rest so she shouldn't be as tired and emotional as before." I nodded but turned to Luke and Michael.

"I'm going to ask if Riley can come home for today, can you guys go home and put up the Christmas decorations? I want her first Christmas with us to be special." The boys nodded and walked to the door.

Me and Calum went into Riley's room. Calum walked straight up to a smiling Riley and kissed her delicately on the head. "Hey baby." He purred. Her eyes widened as she looked at me expecting me to freak out.

"Hey! Calum if you're going to be all lovey dovey with my daughter at least do it when I'm not here." I complained. "Sorry Ash, I couldn't help myself." He giggled. Riley looked up at Calum, then at me, confused.

"I told Calum I don't mind you two dating." I explained. A smile crept on her face just like Calum earlier, but then her face dropped.

"But Calum doesn't like me..." She said sadly. Calum sat down on the edge of her bed. "Of course I like you Riley, don't be silly." He said. She let out a high pitched squeak and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Also..." I began, coughing to get their attention before they started making out in front of me. "I broke up with Nicole, I should have earlier but I was blinded by love. But I love you more, so she's gone, she won't bother you again." I said. She looked astonished. "Dad... Thank you, I love you." She said, giving me a quick hug.

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