Chapter 1//Memories

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A/N dedicated to Alex for being my best friend through everything and being amazing at picking usernames okay tysm


*** Riley's POV***

"Dad, where are we going?", Lucy, my little sister asked from the back of the car, her dark brown hair a tangled mess as she wiped her tired eyes.

"You'll see baby" he replied, completely emotionless.

"Why do I need a bag packed at 2am?" I asked, eyebrows knitted together with confusion.

"You'll see." He stated in an icy tone. Was he mad at me or something? What did I do? "okay" I replied, picking the polish off of my nails to avoid his disgusted face every time I glanced at him. Me and dad never got along, he had made a habit of coming home drunk ever since mum died, and god did I miss her. Dad would sometimes get violent when he has one too many beers, and although I'm only 14 I swore I would protect my sister from him. She was so small and fragile, only 8 years of life experience under her belt. I couldn't let him ruin that, ruin her life just like he ruined mine.


"Lucy?" dad asked,

"Yeah?" she replied sleepiness laced in her tone.

"Say goodbye to Riley"

"What?" we both said in unison.

"She won't be coming home", he said matter-of-factly. He then pushed open my car door and threw my bag onto the street.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU'RE SCARING LUCY" I spat, glancing back at my crying sister. I stepped out of the car to get my bag, but when I looked back my door was slammed shut and the car engine started. My eyes widened and I ran to the door. But it was too late, the car had driven off as fast as lightning despite the faint sound of my sister screaming my name.

"LUCY" I shouted but I was too late. The car was gone. I felt my world crumble around me as I fell to my knees sobbing right in the middle of the street. My sister, my world is gone, and I may never see her again.


I woke up in a panic. My heart racing, my hands a clammy mess.

"Carter?" I whispered quietly hoping he would hear. He stirred but didn't wake up.

"Hey carter psst" I hissed poking him on the arm. His eyes eventually opened "Riles it's like 3am" he groaned sitting up and yawning. "I know Carter I..I'm sorry" I sniffled, cringing slightly at how weak my voice was.

His head shot up immediately when he realised I was upset. "Are... are you okay?" he asked, scanning my face for an answer. "Yes..." I lied, my voice trailing off. "RI..." "okay okay sorry" i interrupted.

"I dreamt about the night my dad left me here and drove off with Lucy". Finding it difficult to look him in the eye i gained a sudden interest in the plain carpet floor. "Riley..... Look at me" he said.

***Carters POV***
"I dreamt about the night my dad left me here and drove off with Lucy" her voice trailed off and she averted her eyes to the floor.
"Riley.... look at me"
When she kept her gaze on the floor I gently put my hand under her chin and made her blue eyes look into my green ones. (A/n why so sappy)
I didn't realize I was staring until she gave me a questioning look. "Um... Yes....?"
"I just want to make sure you know I'm always here for you and you can talk to me about anything whenever you want"
"Okay" she croaked, giving me a small smile.
God, she was beautiful.

A/n omg it's my first chapter! I'm so excited for this book tbh :)

Stay strong, ilysm 💞

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