Chapter 7//Wake up baby girl

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-A/N Hi guys lil trigger warning over this chapter, ill warn y'all wherever i feel i have to, enjoy <3

***Ashton's POV***

"Boys maybe should talk to Riley about school?" I suggested to the boys while Riley was upstairs sleeping.

"I think we definitely should."  Luke said, shaking his head intently.

"Yeah... Whatever I guess" Michael said shrugging his shoulders.  I looked at Calum, waiting for a response.

"Calum...?" I said when he didn't reply.

"Uh... I don't know, do whatever" he said grumpily and left the room.  He was so childish. I rolled my eyes and went to make Riley's favourite breakfast, pancakes and chocolate sauce.

***Calum's POV***

I decided to go upstairs and wake Riley, I figured if she is starting school she'll need supplies and since I was already going to town I'd ask her to give me a list of supplies to get on the way.

"Hey" I whispered, shaking her softly to wake her up. Her eyes fluttered open and she yawned.

"Morning" she replied sleepily, sitting up straight. She wiped her eyes.

"About what happened yesterday..." I started.

"RILEY, CALUM... BREAKFASSSTTTT" Ashton sang from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes before continuing. "I just wanted to..." 

"Guys its pancakes... hurry up." Michael said popping his head around the door, his colourful hair messier than usual from lying in bed.

I rolled my eyes again, I'd tell her later. I stood up, subconsciously putting my hand out for Riley to take. She gave me a puzzled look, as if she was unsure whether to take it or not, but let out a sigh and put her hand into mine, not letting go until we got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Morning sunshine" Ashton greeted Riley once we got into the kitchen. She dropped my hand quickly, giving Ashton a big smile, "Morning Ash" she replied sweetly, giving him a quick hug before sitting at the table.

***Riley's POV***

I walked into the kitchen with a sick feeling in my stomach. I could smell the pancakes I would usually love, but all I could think about is how many calories were in them.

"Morning sunshine" Ashton said happily, giggling as I walked in. "Morning Ash" I replied half-heartedly, and gave him a quick hug before sitting down next to Calum and Michael,  the sick feeling returning when the food was put in front of me. I licked my lips, trying to think of an excuse to leave. I really didn't want to eat, I wasn't happy with my appearance, I glanced down at my stomach, unable to ignore the fact it looked huge.

"Riley...?" Calum asked, breaking me from my daydream.  "Uh.. Yeah?"  I stuttered, licking my lips nervously.

"We're all nearly finished... You haven't started..." he pointed out, gesturing around the table at everyone's plate and then mine.

"Oh.. Silly me..." I laughed nervously, picking up the fork and piercing a piece of pancake, the sauce almost making me feel sick again. I slowly and reluctantly brought the fork to my mouth, chewing the pancake. Calum smiled approvingly, finishing his food.

Even though I only had one small piece I felt like I was going to throw up. "Can I be excused?" I asked, looking hopefully at Ashton. "We were going to talk to you abou..."

"I feel sick." I lied. I could feel Calum's stare on me intensify as if he could automatically tell I was lying. Ashton looked at me with a pitiful expression. "Aww okay baby, course you can go." He nodded.


I sighed with relief, stepping away from the table. "If you need anything just ask." Ashton said as I walked towards the door. "Okay." I said, running up the stairs and locking my door. I fell against the door clutching my knees to my chest and I started crying, pinching on my thighs and stomach, feeling disgusted when I saw the fat on my skin.

***Calum's POV***

I wanted to talk to Riley about yesterday, so I went up the stairs after washing off my plate. I paused before knocking on her door and I could've sworn I heard crying on the other side of the door.

"Riles?" I asked quietly. "Yeah?" she asked weakly, sniffling again.

"Why are you crying?

"I'm not.. I just have a cold." She replied, but her voice cracked mid-sentence.

"Yes you are, don't lie to me." I replied in a hurt manner. I went to push down the handle on her door but it was locked. Damn it.

"Unlock the door Riley." I said sternly. I got no response.

"Riley, c'mon." I complained, I still got no response, it worried me.

"Riley, are you okay?" I asked, concern laced in my tone. I still got no response.


"Okay, if you're near the door step away." I stated without emotion. I kicked the door, it didn't open. I tried again, kicking the door with every ounce of strength I had. It swung open. I stood dumbfounded with what I saw for a few seconds before panic set in. "Oh my God, Riley!" I screamed. I could hear three sets of footsteps run up the stairs.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Ashton screamed, tears automatically streaming down his face as he picked up her hand, examining it.

"Did... Did she try to ki... kill herself?" he choked out. "I don't know..."  I said before my leadership instincts set in.

"Luke, Call an ambulance." He nodded quickly running to get his phone.

"Michael, get the first aid kit, and flush this" I said, he winced when I passed him the blade, but nodded and went to grab the first aid kit.

"Ashton, search her room. Make sure there are no more blades." He looked at Riley, reluctant to leave her.

"I'll be here, trust me, she'll be okay." I promised him.  He glanced at her again, pushing the hair from her tear stained eyes, cringing when he looked at the cuts again.

"Okay." He stated weakly, standing up and beginning to search her room.

I picked her up bridal style and carried her out of the bedroom, meeting a stressed Michael with the first aid kit in the hall.

"In here." I motioned my head towards the bathroom while my hands gently held Riley. He nodded and speed walked in putting it next to the sink. I pushed down the toilet seat and gently dropped Riley on it, making sure she was balanced, the blood still rushing from her cuts making me panic. I searched the bathroom for a cloth but couldn't find one. I didn't want to waste any more time so I pulled on the fabric on my sleeve. My strength ripping it easily. I put it under the tap and then placed it on her arm, applying as much pressure as I could.

"Come on." I whispered to her.

"Wake up baby girl."


A/N Wowiee that chapter was dark.

if you skipped the trigger warning all that happened is she thought she looked fat and it led to her cutting.



Stay strong, ilysm <3

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