Chapter 9//Here's What you missed on Glee

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***Luke's POV***
"Luke can you ask them to finish up in there? We need to go to the studio." Ashton said putting his phone into his pocket.

"Sure." I replied shrugging. I walked down the corridor muttering the room number under my breath.

"162, 162." I said scanning every room. I found it and quickly pushed open the door, stopping dead in my tracks with the sight that was in front of me. My eyes widened.

"Guys, what's going on?" I mumbled out, even though I knew exactly what was going on. The pair quickly separated when they noticed my presence.

"Oh umm... Hey Luke." Riley said, scratching the back of her head. 

Calum didn't even acknowledge me; he just pulled out his phone and started scrolling through it aimlessly.

"What the hell was going on there?" I asked suspiciously, glaring at Calum. Riley was young and foolish but Calum was a man, even if she kissed him he should have the sense to say no.

"Nothing." Riley said; shrugging her shoulders, but a small, spaced smile tugged at her lips.

"I'm going to get Asht-" I started, but suddenly got a rough push on the back making me smash into the wall, I winced but nonetheless turned to face Calum.

"Calum!" Riley screeched, jumping up and coming over to us, he completely ignored her and instead took another step towards me, barely leaving room for me to breathe. His eyes narrowed at me, his jaw clenched.

"What were you saying?" he asked me, his hands closing to fists.

"I'm telling Ashton about what happened." I stated, glaring back at him. He stepped even closer to me, putting pressure on my arm which was sore after the collision with the wall. I winced slightly, Riley noticed and pulled him back towards her only slightly, but enough to give my arm relief.

"Calum stop." She scolded. He didn't even look at her, he just glared at me, and I glared back.

"Calum!" she said louder, causing him to break his stare on me and turned to her.

"Leave Luke alone." She said, pleading with him with her eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it looking back at me again, but his gaze had softened slightly.

"Ashton doesn't and won't know anything, are we clear?" he said pointing at me with his finger.

I knew if there was something going on I should intervene, simply because it wasn't right. But I gulped and just nodded like the coward I am. He nodded back before leaving the room.

I glanced at Riley, who looked up at me. I walked to her and put my arm on her shoulder.

"Don't get feelings for him kid, he'll let you down." I smiled sympathetically before leaving after Calum.


A/N Early update, if you'd even call it that, it's just a filler chapter as part of a double update since I got 200 views! :) It's a VERY short chapter though, I'm sorry. Longer update at the weekend I promise <3 

Stay strong, ilysm <3

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