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??? Pov.

I open the door when I see Ruby's mom. "What are you doing here?" "I wanted to talk with you." "What you want me to leave your daughter alone? I can tell you know that won't happen." "No I want to talk with you about when you get her to make sure you punish her and if you catch her sister to contact me and let me punish her." "Really? Well you seem to hate them so I will agree to this if you join my group." "Group?" "I don't believe in alphas, betas, etc. if you have anyone who is with you I will give you all a chance to join and prove your loyalty." "Well there was a person that helped me so I stuck with them but they would never join so it will only be me." "Oh that's ok."

"Dan!" "Yes sir." "Dan this is Ruby's mom and she is joining us." "How would you like to attack the pack you were with?" "I would feel pleasure attacking them." "Then Dan pick fourteen other wolves to go with her and attack her old pack. Let the ones who don't fight you become a prisoner and I will have a trail for them. Kill all the others." "Yes sir." "If you betray us I won't hesitate to kill you, do you understand?" "Yes sir." "Good. Now be on your way." "Yes sir." As soon as they left I started thinking, this could change some things. I wonder if she really does hate her own kids and what caused the hatred.

Ruby's pov.

That was the best night of our lives. I felt so much love and we are fully mated and marked. We got back to the pack house and I checked on everyone and once I was done me and Elijah ate and went to lay down. We talked for a bit and right before I fell before asleep I heard my phone ring. I get up and answer it. My sister started talking and I was half asleep so I told her to slow down and to say what she said again. "That pack our mother came from was attacked and most are dead the rest are missing."

"That's horrible but we can't do much about the dead, the missing is either going to die or become slaves, and our mother escaped from prison and was probably one of the ones captured. We will probably never find the ones that were taken so why is this a problem. I have to many wolves to watch over and protect without leaving to save more wolves. I don't mean to sound harsh but if you want to save them ask the Fallen Ghost pack. They are the ones who will mostly be able to help." "Who's that on the phone?" "My sister called me."

"Oh well can you two talk tomorrow we need to sleep." "Hey we can talk more later, I need to sleep, I have an important wedding to plan for my beta and his wife." "Ok bye." "Bye." I hang up the phone and lay back down with Elijah. I fall asleep really quickly, I was tired from all the activity today.

So the other beta Roman is going to have a few povs here and there. One of them below.

Roman's pov.

This pack is huge now. I'm glad I'm not alpha, I don't think I could handle the pressure. She has two betas and she made me the second one. She has two thirds, which is also unheard of. I help section wolves off to walk the border because the territory is huge now, one group would not be enough. There are four groups that walk. The north, east, south, and west squads that walk the border. There are four training groups, the young (16-25), more experienced (26-32), warriors (33-45), and the most experienced and top trained (46-etc.) I help as much as I can, I help train, walk the border, and lead the wolves that get confused.

There is a wedding tomorrow for the other beta and his wife. I'm not really worried about my mate but if I find her I will treat her well. I heard that that a pack near the mountains was attacked and most were killed. I'm worn deeming were the others were taken. After the wedding I go and find Ruby. "Alpha Ruby?" "Yes?" "I was wondering if you knew anything about the attack on that pack near the mountains?" "I heard about it, why?"

"I thought if you heard about it you would have left to find those missing wolves?" "An alpha can't just leave their pack, besides I have sent a wolf who owes me a favor to track the missing wolves and report back to me and if they can be rescued I will go and rescue them." "Why not just go yourself, or someone from the pack to go check?"

I can tell she was getting annoyed and shewanted to leave. Then she growls at me, "If you don't agree with myjudgement than you can leave or challenge me! I'm doing my best to lead thispack, I don't need you to question my every move! You are testing my patienceand I have very little." "I'm sorry that seems like I was questioningyou too much I was just curious." "Fine next time just keep yourquestions to yourself." I think someone spiked her food or something. Thisis not the Ruby I met the first time. Maybe the alpha power or something isgetting to her and is causing too much stress.    

Well another chapter done. What do you think is wrong with Ruby or is anything wrong at all? Catch you in the next chapter.

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