Chapter 47

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Juliana's P.O.V.

"Is this okay?" I walked out of the bathroom and into the room Niall and I were sharing. I was wearing my black dress with black pumps, my hair completely straightened. 

"It's so fucking sexy." He bit his bottom lip and eyed my chest.

"You're already staring at my boobs. Lets go get the boys." I shoved my phone in Niall's pocket and we made our way to Harry and Louis' room. "Are you decent?" I yelled, banging on their door. Louis opened it and glared at me.

"Yes. We are. Harry, come on!" Harry popped up behind him and grinned.

"Hi Juliana!" He said enthusiatically. 

"Hi Harry." 

"You look nice. I like your hair."

"I could say the same to you." We walked down to Liam and Zayn's room and retrieved them as well. 

"Lets tear this bitch up." Liam said excitedly. We made our way to the lobby and out the front door. There weren't as many fans outside now, so that was a relief. We piled into the car, Niall and Zayn sitting next to me. 

"So, Juliana." Zayn began. "Have you ever been to a club before?"

"No." I said, a little embarrassed. 

"You haven't? Why didn't you tell me that?" Niall asked.

"I don't know."

"Well, we're going to make sure that your first clubbing experience is the best thing that's ever happened to you." Zayn threw his arm around my shoulder and grinned.

"Mate, to her, nothing will ever top dating Niall." Louis snorted. 

"So you're back together?" Liam asked.

"Officially? Yes." Niall beamed. 

"I knew that break wouldn't last long."

"After they fucked they couldn't stay away from each other." Harry said coolly. I groaned and punched his arm. "Ow. Meanie." He grumbled. 

"Harry, remember to let go of my hand when we leave the car this time. Don't want management slitting our throats, do we?" Louis reminded. I hadn't even noticed that they were holding hands. They were so good at hiding things it was ridiculous. 

"Just think. When we're married, we can finally do this in public." Harry said quietly. I was the only person listening to their conversation and I don't think they were aware. 

"Now that will be the best day of my life." They leaned in for a kiss and I looked away, not wanting to make them uncomfortable. Niall and I definitely had it easy.

"Save it for the bedroom, boys." Niall laughed. They pulled away and grinned at each other.

"What? You don't like your two best mates snogging right in front of you?" Harry asked. Niall just rolled his eyes and continued his conversation with Liam and Zayn. I was right in the middle of all of this, yet I didn't know what the hell was going on. 

"I'm sorry you two have to hide." I spoke up. Harry and Louis looked at me, confused. 

"It's really not that bad." Louis began. "It's actually more fun, you know, being rebellious and going against everything your management wants you to do." 

"I agree." Harry held their hands up for me to see. "I think it's definitely worth it, though." The car came to a stop and their hands immediately broke apart. 

"I'll see you inside." Louis mumbled to Harry before climbing over him and exiting the car. The rest of us piled out, Harry being last. Niall put his arm around my waist and led me into the building. 

All the Wrong Reasons (Niall Horan) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now