Chapter 1

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My friend Charlotte had just hung up as I grabbed my keys and hurried out of the front door. I was on my way to see the one and only, One Direction. They were going to be playing an hour away from me so, naturally, I snatched up a couple meet and greet tickets the second I found out. Charlotte was my best, and basically only, friend. She wasn't as enthralled with the boys as I was, but she was still a fan. She was a definite Harry girl who was tall and thin with beautiful auburn hair and sparkling brown eyes. Although she was quiet, she was always so happy. That was one thing that I was extremely jealous of. I always had my off-days, but she just radiated positivity all of the time. I, however, had been struggling with depression for the past year or so. I found the boys shortly after I was diagnosed, and they were my escape. They were really the only thing that could snap me back to reality anymore. I could not even fathom life without them. 

 I closed my car door and immediately started playing some music. To set the mood for the concert, I turned on Take Me Home. Even though I was 18, I still thought it was a pretty good album. Live While We're Young came on and I sang along, no shame whatsoever. 

 After an hour I finally arrived at the arena. The closer I got to the arena, the more girls I saw wearing Union Jack and "The Ramones" tees. I groaned and found the parking garage, narrowly avoiding killing at least ten pedestrians on my way in. This was going to be a fun crowd to walk through. It was about 3:30 and the VIP fans were let inside at 4, giving me just enough time to look for Charlotte. I weaved through the sea of teenage girls and eventually found her standing alone by the ticket counter.

 "Are you as excited as I am?" I asked, clapping my hands together. 

 "I just want to get a handful of those curls and my life will be complete." She said with a smirk. 

 "I totally want to stand between Niall and Zayn. I call dibs on them." I laughed. Niall and Louis were my top two, but Zayn was just so damn gorgeous.

 "I think they'll allow that." She replied. "As ong as it's not Louis and Harry they probably don't care." We went into the Tim Horton's attached to the arena and ordered some pastries. We still had 20 minutes to kill and it couldn't go any slower.

 "I was thinking we could get separate pictures? Like I have my own and you have your own? That way there will be no hogging of a particular boy." Charlotte suggested. At first I was a little hurt that she didn't want a picture with me, but then I decided that it would be better alone. 

 "That actually sounds like a great idea." I replied, biting into my chocolate pastry. I knew that the actuall meet and greet only lasted maybe thirty seconds, but having the boys to myself put me at ease.

 "Are you sure? I don't mean it in a bad way. I just thought-"

 I cut her off. "No! It will be fun." 

 She looked at me for reassurance and I nodded. Maybe a single photo would come to my advantage. Before I could second guess myself, Charlotte was tapping my arm and telling me it was time to go. I immediately felt a lump form in my throat and started to get nervous. They were already bad enough on Twitter. How could I see these boys in person?

 "Jules, we'll be fine. Just try to be normal." 

 "Charlotte I'm going to pass out." My eyes were wide as I realized that this was actually happening. I didn't expect any of them to fall in love with me or something, but wow. 

 "You'll be fine. Just breathe." She obviously didn't understand the anxiety that came with meeting the people who saved your life. We headed toward the entrance and waited in the small line that had formed until the man checked our passes. 

 "Go ahead." He instructed. I felt like I was going to pass out at any moment. It could have been nerves, or the fact that I hadn't eaten in 36 hours. Either way, it wasn't comforting. We were led through a hallway and were told to wait in line with at least twenty-five other girls. So there we were, one room away from the most important people in my life. 

 Little did I know that my life would never be the same after that night.


Just checked over this story and wow. These chapters are short. I apologize for being an amateur writer, but my writing has definitely improved! Love you lots!

All the Wrong Reasons (Niall Horan) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now