Chapter 2

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We stood in line with about 40 other girls, half of them were just as nervous as I was. After about 25 minutes of nervous chatter, Charlotte was called in. I was a gigantic ball of nerves at this point and could barely function enough to wish her luck. My hair had probably been checked at least ten times in the past two minutes. 

 Sooner than I had hoped, it was my turn. I fixed my hair one more time and made my way through the door.  

 "Hello there!" Harry said with a smile. 

 "Hi." I squeaked. Things were going well.

 "Okay, so what would you like us to do?" Liam asked. 

 "Well I was thinking maybe Niall and Zayn could kiss my cheeks and then Harry and Liam could hold my hands while Louis proposed to me. Is that too difficult?" I blushed. They probably thought I was insane.

 "We can do that!" Louis laughed. I awkwardly stood there as the boys took their places. 

 "Your hair smells nice." Niall whispered. He smiled at me and I nearly melted. 

 "Uh, thanks." I whispered back. He blushed and looked away, making me even more self-conscious than I already was.

 "Okay guys, 1... 2... 3." The camera flashed and the boys soon scattered, leaving me mildly confused.

 "It was great meeting you!" Zayn said happily.

 "It was great meeting you too! Oh, and um, thank you for, uh, saving my life." I mumbled the last part and the boys looked at me. I bit my lip and shrugged. Before they could respond, I was ushered out the door. Did I really just say that? They probably thought I wanted them to pity me.

 "How did it go?" Charlotte squealed. 

 "Oh you know, Niall said my hair smelled nice and I told them they saved my life. Just a normal, everyday thing." I said sarcastically.

 "What?" Charlotte stopped bouncing. Shit. I had some explaining to do. "What do you mean they 'saved your life'?" I hadn't ever really told her that had a few things wrong psychologically. I mean, she knew I was depressed, but she didn't know all of the gory details.

 "We can talk later. Let's go to sound check." I said, avoiding her question. Charlotte tended to overreact and I really wasn't in the mood to listen to her lecture me.

She obeyed my orders and we silently walked to the center of the arena together. The second we were seated Charlotte started firing off questions. I should've known.

 "What do you mean they saved your life? Have you had... You know. Suicidal thoughts and all of that?" She looked at me timidly, most likely thinking of the worst case scenario.

 "Charlotte, when I said later, I meant after the concert. Now let's just admire our view, okay?" Our seats were incredible. They were in the middle of the first row, a definite spot for eye contact with the boys. I had done a pretty damn good job of getting tickets.

 "I swear Harry just looked at me." Charlotte half-whispered. "He probably thinks I'm hot." She was being sarcastic, but it was probably true. The boys would definitely pick her perfect figure over my not-so-beautiful frame. Everyone told me I was really thin, but I just didn't see it. My light brown hair was always messed up and my green eyes were sort of shit-colored. There wasn't any sign of life other than when I spoke. Definitely not a trait guys love.

 "Okay Char, whatever you say." I replied, rolling my eyes. Niall and Louis looked at me a handful of times, but I figured it was only because I was "that girl who wanted to kill herself". After sound check was over, we decided to go to the merch kiosks and get some t-shirts. 

 "Niall was totally checking you out." Charlotte giggled. I didn't say anything, knowing that it wasn't true. I wanted it to be true more than anything though. But what girl wouldn't? "Come on, Jules. He couldn't keep his eyes off of you." I just shook my head and proceeded to walk toward the merchandise table, not believing a word she said.

 But deep down, I really, really wished she weren't lying. 

All the Wrong Reasons (Niall Horan) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now