Chapter 26

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I'm updating this from my phone so I apologize for bad grammar, spelling errors, etc.


Juliana's P.O.V.

We made our way to the lobby, Niall securing his arm around my waist nearly the entire time. I prayed there weren't any fans outside, but I knew we couldn't be that lucky.

"Stay next to me." Niall instructed. I nodded and clung even tighter. "You know you're basically famous now." I stopped walking and stared at him.

"I'm only your girlfriend." I said uncertainly. Me? Famous? He was joking. I was a crazy fan, not his model girlfriend.

"That's enough to make you famous. Well, according to the press anyway." He gave me a half hearted smile. I felt like all of the air had been sucked out of the room. "Are you okay?" He gripped my wrist. This meant I had to dress and look perfect at all times. I also had to act about ten years older than usual. Shit.

"I can't be like this anymore." I said, motioning to my body.

"Why not?" He asked, confused.

I sighed and shook my head. "You wouldn't understand."

"Juliana, I deal with these assholes every day. I promise I will understand." He ran his hand through his hair, signaling that he was upset. He was right. He probably did understand. Hell, he probably understood everything a lot better than I did.

"You know, hot celebrities who have regular, non-famous girlfriends always turn them into fashion icons." I said facing the ground. Niall snorted.

"Seriously? That's what you're worried about?" Niall laughed. "Well you'd be pleased to know that our first event of the day is a shopping spree completely funded by yours truly." He beamed. I gasped, trying to contain my smile.

"I'm not letting you!" I argued.

"Well too bad. I can't spend money on anything. Now that I have you, well, I can finally use it." He shrugged. I dug my heel into the carpet of the lobby.

"Really, I'll feel awful if I let you buy me clothes." I said honestly. I didn't want him to feel obligated to pay for everything I bought from now on.

"Well that's too bad. I'm buying them whether you like it or not. You can choose the stores. Let's go." He quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the exit.

"Are we walking?" I asked.

"Yeah, we're near quite a few shops so I figured walking would be easier." We walked outside and to our surprise, there were only about 80 fans around the entrance. "Don't let them bother you." He whispered before plowing through the crowd of teenage girls. As large as their security team was, they were shit at holding back raging fans.

"Did you guys fuck already?" I heard one girl say. She didn't sound disgusted so I ignored that one.

"Niall! I need a picture!" Another girl screamed. I laughed to myself because just last week I would've done the exact same thing.

"God she looks like a train wreck." That comment made me stop in my tracks. It was followed up by "Ugly bitch." Over the past few months I had learned to not let my guard down. Well, around Niall, I did. I had forgotten to rebuild that one wall, and boy did that do damage.

"Juliana?" Niall asked, tugging on my hand. I couldn't respond. My body was on lockdown. There were so many girls crowding around us, so many negative comments being said, I couldn't handle it. "Juliana just breathe, I've got you." He stopped trying to pull me along and squeezed my hand. I couldn't move.

All the Wrong Reasons (Niall Horan) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now