Chapter 16

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Niall's P.O.V. 

 I had fucked up. Juliana thought I was a monster. When Harry blamed our fighting on her, I couldn't control myself. She didn't deserve to be talked to like that considering she didn't do anything. I walked down the hallway of the arena, passing Zayn, Liam, and Lou on the way. They didn't even bother asking what happened. I went to the place that I loved most, the stage. Hoping that the crew was nearly finished setting up, I walked out, looking for my guitar. When I found it, I sat on the edge of the stage and began to play. 

 "Said I'd never leave her 

'Cause her hands fit like my t-shirt 

Tongue tied over three words, cursed 

Running over thoughts that make my feet hurt 

Body's intertwined with her lips."

 I stopped, taking a deep breath. What if she never forgave me? So what if we barely knew each other? I cared about her. I was afraid I wouldn't get her back. Clearing my thoughts, I began to play again.

 "Now she's feeling so low 

Since she went solo

Hole in the middle of my heart like a polo

And it's no joke to me

So can we do it all over again?"

 Tears started forming in my eyes. I remembered Juliana's face during this song at the concert. She was so happy to be there, but a shade of sadness took over. I knew this song meant something to her, and it hurt knowing that. This obviously wasn't a cheerful song, so she must have experienced some kind of pain to be able connect with it so well. 

 "If you're pretending from the start

Like this, with a tight grip, then my kiss

Can mend your broken heart

I might miss, everything you said to me

And I can lend you broken parts

That might fit, like this

And I will give you all my heart

So we can start it all over again."

 I put my guitar down and my head in my hands. I sat there, my mind blank. I heard someone come up behind me, but I didn't bother looking. It was probably someone from the crew. I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I knew that hand. My head shot up, turning to face the person behind me.

 Juliana's P.O.V.

 I made my way to the stage to ask if any of the crew members had seen Niall. As I walked backstage, I heard someone singing. It was a familiar voice. It was Niall. He had his guitar and was sitting on the edge of the stage singing Over Again. My heart sank. I stayed back until he finished his little performance. When he set his guitar down, I made my way over to him. He jumped when I put my hand on his shoulder, quickly turning around. A look of relief washed over his face. 

 "I." Was all he could say. He pulled me into a hug and held me tightly for a good minute. "I am so fucking sorry." He said sincerely into my shoulder. I felt tears sinking through the fabric of my shirt. I held him closer, rubbing his back. 

 "Niall, I want to talk to you." He pulled back, nodding his head. After wiping his eyes, he sat down on the edge of the stage. I followed and grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze. "What happened?" Was all I could ask. It was the only thing I wanted to know. 

 "I don't want them to hurt you." He said quietly. What? How could they hurt me?

 "The boys? How could they hurt me?" 

All the Wrong Reasons (Niall Horan) *EDITING*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin