Chapter 3

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We bought matching black shirts before we wandered back to our seats, satisfied with our purchases. The stuff was ridiculously priced, but it was worth it.

We were going to be there for another hour before 5 Seconds of Summer started playing, so I decided to answer Charlotte's questions from earlier in the day.

 "Okay, so fine. I'll tell you." I swallowed and began. "Ever since I found the boys, I've been feeling a bit happier. I'm not sure why, but it just sort of happened. Usually I feel so worthless and like no one cares that I don't even want to be here. I feel loved by the boys though. I don't know why. They just make me so happy." At this point I was smiling like an idiot. Charlotte was at a loss for words. She just stared at me with a worried expression and pulled me into her arms.

 "Juliana, don't ever feel worthless. You are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever known. I love you, okay? You have so much potential. Don't throw it all away. I promise you'll find a guy who loves every ounce of you." She sounded like she was about to break into tears. Leave it to me to turn such an exciting day into a sob fest.

 "I'm sorry." I whispered. People were starting to stare and I became uncomfortable. "Let's wrap this up and enjoy the atmosphere." I tried to lighten the mood, but I don't think it worked.

 "Are you sure you don't want to talk about it anymore?" She asked. 

 "Positive. I'm fine." I gave her a weak smile.

 Charlotte nodded and started talking about how Harry had carried her in her meet and greet picture. Of course she left the other boys out. I listened to her ramble on about miscellaneous shit for God knows how long until the lights went down. The arena was packed with now screaming girls waiting for the Aussie band to take the stage. 

 "You like Calum, right?" Charlotte yelled. I nodded and she grinned. Michael was the first one out and my eardrums nearly busted. These girls' vocal chords could shatter glass. I had no room to talk though, considering I was screaming just as loud. The rest of the boys followed and they began playing "Heartbreak Girl". I was really excited when they did a cover of "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry. Soon enough, they were saying goodbye and exiting the stage. The lights came back on and everyone began their separate conversations.

 "Ashton is such a hottie, oh my God." Charlotte gushed. My mood had gone from annoyed to giddy within those short 30 minutes.

 "Calum is totally better!" I fought. She rolled her eyes.

"When will you see the light?" She laughed, checking her phone.

I decided to do the same. I only had a couple Twitter notifcations, sadly.

After 20 minutes, the lights dimmed and ear piercing screams filled the arena. The boys were next. My eyes were brimming with happy tears as Up All Night began playing and the panels lifted. I saw Harry first, but then my eyes traveled to Liam as he began singing.

This whole day seemed so surreal and it made me wonder why I had ever not been a fan of them.

 I glanced at Niall and he had his eyes locked on mine. When he noticed I was looking at him he waved. I awkwardly waved back and Charlotte shrieked, scaring the shit out of me.

 "Juliana! He just fucking waved at you!"

 "I know!" I grinned, looking back onstage. Niall and I made eye contact at least 5 other times before they got on the lift and started over to the second stage. They answered their Twitter questions and made their way back, singing Moments as they went. I sang along, tearing up because it was my favorite song from Up All Night.

 "I guarantee that during Little Things, Niall sings his solo to you." Charlotte said. I almost laughed out loud at her ludicrous prediction. 

 "I guarantee that you're wrong and he won't look at me again." I responded. She sighed and turned back to the stage. But sure enough, as Niall's solo in Little Things rolled around, he looked straight at me. I was blushing like crazy. Why on earth was any of this happening?

 "You'll never treat yourself right darling, but I want you to," was when I lost it. I was praying Niall didn't notice, but I know he did. The rest of the concert went really well. Niall only looked at me a couple more times, as did Liam. After What Makes You Beautiful, the boys jumped off of the stage and the lights came back on. 

 "Lets wait until the arena clears out." Charlotte suggested. I agreed, considering I didn't want to push my way through hundreds of hormonal girls. We sat for a few minutes until a security guard came up to us. 

 Assuming that he was telling us to leave, I started panicking. Getting in trouble wasn't one of my favorite things to do. "Sorry! We're on our way!" I nudged Charlotte, signaling our departure. 

 "Actually, I have something else in mind." Charlotte and I exchanged confused looks before the guard began speaking again. "Niall said that one of you girls should be called backstage?" My jaw nearly hit the floor and Charlotte stepped forward. What was she doing?

 "That would be Juliana." She beamed. She shoved me forward a little bit, making me stumble. Oh, she was totally going to get chewed out for this one in the future.

 "Okay, thank you. Miss, would you please follow me?" I froze. Niall wanted to see me? I honestly thought the entire thing was a joke. 

 "Is this is a joke?" I laughed, uncertain of what was about to happen.

"No, ma'am."

What about Charlotte?" I asked. Why was I trying to make excuses not to go see the boys? This was literally a once in a lifetime experience and I was trying to back out of it.

 "Oh, please. I'll stay behind. Go have fun! I drove separately, remember?" She pushed me a little and motioned for me to go. I looked at her with wide eyes before agreeing and following the guard. What was I getting myself into?

All the Wrong Reasons (Niall Horan) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now