Chapter 42

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Juliana's P.O.V.

"You are so fucking annoying." I huffed. 

"Babe, just let me explain." Niall and I were walking to our room, hoping the boys would hear us arguing. 

"No! Just get away from me! I hate you!" We held back laughs as Zayn trailed behind us, on his way to announce our arrival. 

"Juliana, please just listen to what I have to say-"

"I don't want to speak to you again. I'm leaving!" I yelled, right in front of Harry and Louis' door. After about five seconds, the door opened.

"So... you're back?" Harry asked nervously. 

"Yes Harry, we're back. But not for long. I'm going home." I pretended to be pissed off and walked away. 

"Juliana!" Harry yelled down the hall. "Come here!" I heard him tell Niall that he wanted to talk to me alone. I bumped into Niall's shoulder as I passed him, his touch burning my skin. I craved him. This was a bad time. 

"What?" I spat. 

"Come in here." I walked into Harry's room and he shut the door behind us. "Louis is in the shower, so it's just the two of us."


"What the hell happened between you two?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"It's such a long story. I don't want to explain it." I groaned, hoping to avoid the story I would have to make up. 

"I have all day." He sat down on the bed and I looked at the ground.

"He's just so... so... ugh." I clenched my fists at my side. I was only thinking about him touching me and that wasn't making it easy to hate him. 

"Did he do something? We saw pictures of you two and you looked fine." 

"Harry, I really can't-"

"Did you guys have sex?" He grinned. My face flushed.

"No." I said in my most convincing voice. 

"Did you have sex then get in a fight?" 

"We did not have sex!" I said loudly. 

"Then what happened?"

"He's been so..." I broke out into laughter. I couldn't think of anything he had possibly done wrong. 

"Why are you laughing?" He was so confused. 

"Harry, we don't hate each other." I giggled. "You're so gullible."

"You're an asshole." He stood up and walked over to me, towering over me. "Now give me a hug because I missed you." I immediately wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest. "You two could never hate each other. I should've known." We broke apart and I smiled. 

"We're still friends though, so don't get too excited."

"I know you two at least made out. Technically you're still in a relationship. You're just saying that you aren't." I didn't respond, knowing that he was right.

"It sucks." I whispered.

"I know. Hiding is never fun." He said softly. "How long until you guys make it official again?"

"Two weeks." 

"That's not so bad. It's better than never." He licked his bottom lip and frowned. 

"Yeah, I guess."

"Do you love him?" He asked. I thought for a moment.

"I've loved him since I first saw him on my TV." I smiled. 

All the Wrong Reasons (Niall Horan) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now