Chapter 11

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Juliana's P.O.V.

 I loved teasing Niall. He was so cute when he was flustered. I knew that after he nearly shit himself when looking at my underwear, he was putty in my hands. 

 "I think I've got everything packed!" I clapped my hands together. "Now I just need to tell my mom... oh. I hope she lets me." I had forgotten to even ask my mom if she would be okay with it. I decided that since I was 18, I could basically do whatever I wanted. 

 "You're coming even if she says no. You can't get my hopes up like that." Niall was laying on my bed picking at a string on his shorts. 

 "Fine. I'll go tell her right now." I walked out of my room and into the living room. "Hey mom?"


 "I'm gonna go on tour with Niall and the rest of the boys for the next two weeks. We're leaving tonight." She turned off the TV and looked at me. 

 "You're what?" She didn't believe me.

 "You heard me. I was just letting you know. I can go wherever I want now, remember?" She could not keep me from going.

 "Fine. You can go." She didn't seem too happy about my choices, but I don't think she wanted to argue. I skipped back to my room.

 "I can go!" I squealed. I walked to my bed and jumped on top of Niall, resulting in a loud "oomph" from him. 

 "I wish we didn't have to go right now. I kind of like how we're laying." He picked his head up and kissed me gently. "You're really cute when you're excited. Let's go." He wrapped his hands around me and swung his legs over the side of the bed, taking me with him. 

 "I'll bite you if you don't put me down." I thumped his back with my hand.

 "I won't complain if you do." He said seductively. He put me down, half dropping me. "But, we need to go. I would love to continue this at another time, though." He grabbed my suitcase and wheeled it out of my room. I followed him into the front of the house.

 "Well, we're leaving! I'm just gonna leave my car at the airport." I told my mom. She came over to me and hugged me.

 "Please be careful. I love you." She released me then turned to Niall. "Take care of her. I don't want her coming home with a broken heart."

 Niall blushed. "I promise I will. It was nice meeting you." He went to shake my mom's hand, but she pulled him into a hug.

 She whispered something to him, but I couldn't quite hear what she said.

 They pulled apart and we walked outside. We waved to my mom then went to the trunk of the car to put my suitcase in. "Will it even fit?" I asked.

 "I can make it fit." He hoisted my suitcase up and jammed it into my tiny trunk, slamming the hood down on top of it. "Told you." He walked around to the front of the car and got in. 

 "You can pick the music this time." I said, getting into the car.

 "What if I like your music?" He reached for my phone, which was sitting between my legs.

 "Excuse me!" I said clamping my legs shut. "This is not a high school cafeteria! You can't just feel me up whenever you please." 

 "I was just getting your phone, don't flatter yourself." He sneered. He was so nice yet such an asshole. I loved both sides of him though.

 "Just choose a song." I snapped back. I drove away and began tapping my fingers to the beat of "We Can't Stop" by Miley Cyrus. The ride up was basically silent. I didn't really know what to say, and apparently neither did he. I hoped the whole trip wouldn't be like this. 

 "Why haven't you talked to me this entire ride?" He asked when we were about 5 minutes away from the airport. Nice time to start a conversation. "I didn't mean to offend you." He looked at his lap. 

 I reached over and grabbed his hand. "I forgive you. I just didn't know what to talk about. You know I'm terrible at communicating." 

 "Actually, I didn't know that. Thanks for telling me." He began playing with my fingers.

 "Well I'm sorry that I have social anxiety. I never know what to say or how to even interact with people. It's embarrassing." I took my hand away and focused on the parking lot I was weaving through. I was terrible at parking. 

 "Social anxiety? How are you gonna deal with the paps?" I hadn't really thought about that. I gripped the steering wheel even tighter before turning into a parking space. 

 "I... I don't know. I guess I never really thought about that." I turned off the car and sat back. 

 "I won't let them hurt you." He cupped my chin and pressed him lips against mine. "I promise." He pulled away from my face and got out of the car. "I'll get your suitcase."


 Niall's P.O.V. 

 After we went through security and all of that good stuff, we were finally on the plane. We had first class seats and were basically alone.

 "I've never been on a plane before." Juliana squeaked. She looked terrified. 

 "It'll be okay." I grabbed her hand. "It's actually kind of fun." I pulled her closer as the plane began moving. 

 "Niall." She breathed. "I can't do this." Her breathing seemed to pick up a little. 

 "Are you okay?" I sat up straight. She shook her head. "Juliana we're going to be fine." She shook her head again. She was having a panic attack. I had no idea what to do. The plane started lifting off the ground and she squeezed my hand so hard I thought it was going to break. "Juliana I promise we're going to be fine. The flight is only two hours." That didn't seem to calm her down at all. At this point I was worried sick. I had no idea what to do, and all I wanted was to make her feel better. I began running my fingers through her hair, and wrapped my other arm around her. "I'm right here. Just try going to sleep. It'll go really quickly." I ran my hand through her hair and rubbed her shoulder for no more than 10 minutes before she finally fell asleep. I was relieved that I had calmed her down. How the hell did she fall asleep so quickly, though? I decided not to worry about it, and shut my eyes. What seemed like only a couple minutes later, a voice came over the intercom, signaling our arrival. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at a smiling Juliana. 

 "Thank you." She grabbed my arm and kissed me softly. "Now lets get off this contraption." She stood up, yanking on me to do the same. She followed me off the plane and into the gates. We found her bag and made our way to the parking lot. I prayed there weren't any fans waiting outside. When we walked out, there were no fans in sight. 

 "Since we don't have cars here, the boys are picking us up in the bus. Sorry." The bus wasn't hard to find considering it was 20x larger than every other vehicle in the lot. We walked towards the bus before being greeted by the rest of the lads.

 "So, you brought her back? She must be a keeper." Harry said. Little did he know that this girl had stolen my heart the second she walked through the door. 

All the Wrong Reasons (Niall Horan) *EDITING*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora