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Hey buttercups!

I was feeling crappy and weird while writing this chapter so it's gonna be crappy and weird.



Soraya's POV

I pressed the button for the fifteenth floor and the doors closed. I leaned back against the wall as it began moving, taking deep breaths to calm my raging heart.

I don't even know why I'm so nervous

I just have this weird annoying feeling that something bad is going to happen. Like something's gonna go wrong.

But I have to be overreacting, I mean, I'm going to my boyfriend's place. What could possibly go wrong?

The elevator stopped moving and the doors opened to an antique looking room. From where I was standing, the room was scantily furnished but the furniture's looked really expensive. There was a small glass table at the centre, two couches on opposite ends and a flat screen TV. There were a few paintings hung up on the walls. Some da Vinci, some Pablo Picasso and a few others I couldn't recognise.

I clutched my bag tighter against my chest and took a step forward, coming out of the movy-thingy

Suddenly, out of no where, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist from behind and a soft whisper in my ears


I jumped ten feet in the air,feeling my heart skip like a hundred beats before restarting with a harsh jump.

"Jesus Alex don't scare me like that!" I chastised, turning around to slap him on the chest.

He chuckled, catching my wrists mid-slap "sorry princess. I saw an opportunity and I couldn't pass it"

I shook my head, glaring at him "an opportunity to scare me? What kind of a boyfriend are you?"

He gave me a heated look that made my breathing quicken

"I'm sorry" he said, wrapping his arms around me but not looking the part "it won't happen again"

I scoffed, my arms crossed over my chest "damn right it won't"

He grinned mischievously before leaning down to softly kiss my lips. I immediately uncrossed my arms, sliding my hands up his chest as his lips moved expertly against mine.

He left me with two pecs before throwing an arm around my shoulder and leading me somewhere else.

"So you met Lana?" He asked

I nodded, a small smile coming to my face "yup. I like her"

He raised an eyebrow "do you now?"

I nodded again "very motherly" then I stopped walking and stepped in front of him "she told me some things"

Forbidden Love (ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang