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Chapter Playlist
* Angel in the night by Kn ft Moha
* Tolani by  Moha ft Kn

Y'all should really listen to these two songs. I seriously keep playing them over and over again like they're just too lit
My personal fav is Angel in the night though 💖

Below are the links :




Alexander's POV

Lights. Unnecessarily bright lights. They all glared angrily at me as I slowly, painfully tried to open my eyes

"Ow..." I groaned, feeling my eyes burn at the brightness of the room and my head pound

I felt drugged

I couldn't remember anything and it actually hurt to try right now.

The only thing that's lingering in my head right now is the fact that I shouldn't be here. I know I have somewhere else to be. Something more important to do, but I just don't know what

"Can someone turn down the damn lights" I heard someone say to my right as I struggled to open my eyes again

I slowly blinked them open, mentally praising the smart individual that dimmed them, before taking in my surroundings

I was in a huge ass room. That was the very first thing.

Second thing I noticed was the disgusting amount of white in the room. Like quite literarily everything was pristine white. From the tiles, to the walls, to the ceiling, the bed I was on, the machines and computers and equipment. . .

Now that brings me to the third thing I noticed. This disgustingly white room, was obviously a hospital room. I was in a hospital

What the hell happened to me? And why the hell can't I remember it?

"What. . ." I croaked out in an attempt to speak. I immediately regretted that of course, as I began coughing violently, trying to force out the metamorphic sandpaper I was sure was stuck in my throat

"Water, get him some water" the same voice said, earning a small cough of gratitude from me

Soon, a glass was pressed to my lips and I greedily drained it's contents, the cool water easing my throat muscles

I cleared my throat and tried again "what am I doing here?"

"You were sedated, sir" that same voice, who I now recognise as Dr. Phil, said in a fretful tone

I narrowed my eyes at him and the rest of the nurses around "sedated? What the hell for?"

He cleared his throat nervously before speaking again "you were losing it sir, probably due to what happened -"

I cut him off with a deep frown "losing it? Okay, can someone please tell me what exactly happened?"

He frowned, looking confused "you don't. . .you don't remember?"

"I know I should but. . .I really don't" I replied, feeling annoyed at myself for not remembering

"Hmm. . ." he flipped through some papers and spoke in hushed tones to one of the nurses

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