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Listening to 'serial killer' by 'Lana Del Rey'. I love that song.....


Alexander's POV

I totally did not expect to see Soraya at Club Exclusive.......in Florida.....

I won't say I regretted seeing her though. No. When I saw her, I was beyond shocked. For some reason, I was happy, shocked, confused and.......turned on.

She looked so beautiful.....so sexy.....so....so alluring.
So naturally, I just had to talk to her. And apparently, just like the first time I saw her, she was drinking herself into oblivion. Something was bothering her. And as weird and wrong as it seems, it's bothering me

Then I offered to take her home. I wasn't going to let her drive in her drunken state. She'd just get herself hurt, and probably get others hurt too.

And the last thing I want is to see her hurt....

What shocked and confused me more than seeing her in Florida though was the house she claimed was hers.

That house. It was the house I had lost a few days ago.

If that was where she lived, it means the owner had cancelled on me to give the house to her.

I just couldn't believe it.

I'll admit, I'm a little mad. I mean I put A LOT into getting that house. I REALLY wanted it. And I almost had it too. Then Mr. Anderson, the owner, decided to cancel last minute, due to 'unavoidable occurrences'

But why? Why did he give the house to Soraya? Where they related? Maybe Mr. Anderson was her father?

I mean it would make sense since she said she was only here for a while. Maybe she needed a place to stay so her dad, Mr. Anderson, decided to give what was supposed to be mine to his daughter.

Yeah.....it TOTALLY makes sense......


The blaring ring tone of my phone caused me to fly off my desk and over to the couch where it was plugged in.

"Hello?" I breathed, not even bothering to check the ID

"Baby!!!" Chase yelled in a falsetto voice over the phone.

This fucking idiot....

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