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So I sorta want to see if I can write a whole chapter in a guys POV. So this chapter, would be written in Alexander's POV, to the best of my ability.

You may now proceed.


I woke up to the shrilling sound of my alarm

Why do I even set this shit? Its annoying as fuck

I groaned and slammed my fist down on the stupid device, shutting it up.

I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before sighing.

Another stupid day at my stupid company

Grumbling under my breath, I made my way to the bathroom.

After fulfilling the usual washroom rites, I sauntered out and into my closet.

I threw on the closest suit to my reach, which happened to be a coffee coloured suit, with its matching brown tie.

Its the exact suit I wore two nights ago when I went to the bar.

The suit I wore when I met Soraya.

Soraya. I seriously love her name. Its unique and absolutely beautiful.

Just like her

When I woke up the next morning to an empty bed, I couldn't help the sinking feeling I felt in my stomach.

Why did she leave?

Because I practically told her to. I told her I didn't want a relationship and she said she didn't want one either. It was supposed to just be one good fuck and then I move on and forget about her.

She wasn't supposed to plague my mind and hunt my dreams for two days straight.

Forbidden Love (ON HOLD)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant