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Alexander's POV

Right before I began talking, Soraya suddenly stood up, saying she wanted to get me a bottle of water. I watched silently as she walked to the kitchen, before disappearing completely from my sight.

I sighed

Lord give me strength to finish my story. Maybe after I'm done, I can break down


She walked back to the living room and handed the bottle to me.

"Thanks" I murmured putting the bottle on the couch.

"Okay" she said, sitting down beside me again "you may continue"

I took a deep breath, deciding to just run into it "my parents were amazing. Actually, they were probably the best parents in the world. We weren't rich though" I chuckled dryly "oh we weren't rich at all but we were happy, and that's all that mattered to me, to us"

I paused, allowing the memories to come flooding back to me, this time, bringing a soft happy smile to my face
"My mom was an angel. She was so kind and gentle and selfless. She never thought about herself, always putting my dad and I first. Which is why she decided she needed to pick up a job, to help my dad with the bills. My mom loved to dance, she'd dance all the time, when she's washing, when she's eating, when she's in the shower. . . . it was her passion as much as it was her talent. So, my dad decided to put some money into opening up a little dance studio for her, where she could teach little kids to dance. He didn't tell her about it till it was finished of course, my mom probably wouldn't have let him if she found out. Anyway, so she taught children between the ages of five and fifteen, and she absolutely loved it, not to mention the money she was making" I stopped to open my bottle and take a small gulp.

"She soon became pretty famous for her dance studio. Kids from different parts of the country would come all the way to my mom's studio to learn how to dance. She was that good. My dad eventually got a promotion at work which led to a raise in his salary, enabling him to take care of us better. Everything was going smoothly for us"

I took a deep breath, preparing myself

"Until it wasn't" she slipped her hand in mine, offering me some comfort. I squeezed her hand "my dad never comes home before my mom, it's just impossible. After all, my dad closes at four and my mom would be done by one, at the very worst times. So imagine my ten years old self's shock when my dad comes home by four-thirty, and my mom's not home yet" she gave my hand a little squeeze

"we shrugged it off as maybe she got caught up in traffic or she decided to do some dancing herself-cause she does that sometimes. So my dad went to take a shower and I began my assignments. When my dad walked into the living room, it was already five-thirty. My mom was still not back. My dad finally decided to go to her studio to see what's up. I wanted to come with him, I wanted to see whatever was keeping my mother so long, but he thought it was best if I stayed to complete my work. I was unhappy about it but I stayed anyway. They were gone for a really long time, and I tried to keep myself busy so I wouldn't think about it too much. When I was done with homework, I decided to go do the dishes. When that was done, I practically cleaned the whole house. Still, they weren't back yet. So I made them dinner-"

"You could cook at age ten?" She cut me off

I felt my face warm up "uh well um you see, I always loved to watch my mother doing anything. I was practically my mom's tail, always following her around. So in the process, I learnt how to cook a few things"

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