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So considering the fact that I failed miserably in writing a long chapter in Alex's POV, I'm just going to stick to what I know; writing the entire book in Soraya's POV.

P. S: I forgot to tell you guys. Alexander actually lives in Florida, that's where his office is. He came over to LA(where Soraya lived) to do some business meetings and then have a little fun with his bff. Then he went back to Florida ;)

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Day five of my freedom escapade and I couldn't be happier.

I had settled down pretty quickly in Florida and I already loved it here.

The only thing I haven't taken care of yet is 'money making'

I was the heir to the throne of MNJ(Morgan Navajo) inc. and I never had a backup plan. Of course I went to college, I just recently graduated with a degree in Business Administration. Although if I were asked, that's not what I really want to do.

I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was ten, that was before my mother died. After she died though, I made up my mind that I would follow in her footsteps and be a Psychologist.

My mother was a world renowned psychologist, Davina Navajo. Her own field of psychology dealt with those who were mad with worry and stress. She treated and healed tons of people with different kinds of emotional distress and heart ache.

She died of breast cancer when I was fourteen. I loved my mother so much. When she passed, I didn't believe it. I mean I knew she had cancer but I didn't know it was so bad to take her away from me.

After that, I promised myself I was going to achieve two things in life.

To be greater in psychology than my mother ever was

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