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Hey guys! *waves frantically*
So......how're y'all doing

Yeah I'll shut up and let you read now.

Get to it!


Soraya's POV

"Kenzie? Soraya?" Janice called, coming out from behind one of the book shelves.

We both looked up from what we were doing "yeah?"

"I'm gonna have to leave early" she said, giving us both apologetic smiles

"Why? Is something wrong?" Kenzie asked walking towards her with a cocerened look in her eyes.

Janice shook her head "nothing's wrong, I just have an appointment with my doctor in a few minutes"

That was when my concern and worry surfaced "an appointment? Why? What happened? Are you sick?" I gasped "omg you're not sick are you? Are you o-"

She just chuckled "relax honey. I'm not sick It's just a check up"

I sighed in relief

Just a check up. Phew

I don't think I'll be able to handle it if Janice was sick......over the last month, she's become a lot more than my boss. She's kind and gentle and she's always smiling and laughing and always cheery. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of motherly love she showers on both Kenzie and I. I'd hate to just let all that go.

I looked over at Kenzie, expecting to see her as relieved as I am, but instead, she looked even more worried and uneasy. I frowned at her.

"I was hoping you girls would help me finish the last of paperwork and then lock up?"

Kenzie immediately nodded "of course Janice. You go for your.....check up. Raya and I will handle everything"

I glanced at the clock and pouted. It was already five. And I have a date with my boyfriend at six.

There's no way I'd be able to do a bunch of paperwork, tidy up the library, return the books that were thrown around by kids and still make it in time for my date. Even with Kenzie helping me.

But I nodded anyway. Because honestly, I'll do anything Janice asks me to.

She smiled gratefully "thank you so much" she walked forward and kissed both our cheeks "behave yourselves and don't forget to feed Sparkie. I'll see you guys tomorrow"

"Bye Janice" we chorused as she walked out the door.

Kenzie turned to me as soon as the door was shut "I'm really sorry Raya, I know you have a date at six"

I shrugged "its alright, helping Janice is more important. Alex will always be there and willing to take me on many more dates"

She nodded "good for you"

"Yeah. You should probably start without me. I need to call Alex, tell him I can't make it"

"Okay. If you need me, I'll be in Janice's office"

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