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Hello princes and princesses of this beautiful app/website!

So I know I've taken nothing less than forever to update this but I swear I have a good reason this time! So you see, I was going through the recommendations section, looking for a bomb ass book to read, to y'know, get me in the writing spirit when all of a sudden, I stumbled upon a book. The name of the book was 'Forbidden Love'. I liked the cover so I was drawn to it. I read the summary and it was something along the lines of 'A man, a woman and an unmistakable spark of chemistry. The heart wants what it wants, right? But then again, what if the heart wants what it can't have'. When I saw it, I was like 'huh nice summary, lemme just read it'. So I went ahead to read it and I swear I've never been so darn shocked in my life. The name of the first chapter of the book was 'Before you Proceed' and everything that was written in the 'Before you Read' part of this book was copied on there. I didn't say anything 'cause I thought 'oh well, it's just one part right?'

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