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"Hi daddy" I said skipping down the stairs and into my father's arms.

"Hi princess" he said kissing my temple.

"Cupcake could you go tell Rickie to whip up something quickly? We have guests"

I frowned and glanced at the door. There was no one.

What guests?

"Okie dokie" I said walking into the kitchen

"Bonjour mademoiselle" Chef Rickie said as I entered the kitchen

"Bonjour Rickie. Papa a dit que vous devriez préparer quelque chose pour nos clients" Richie speaks English but sometimes I like to train myself in French so I asked him to speak only French to me.

"Qui qui moiselle, I'll get right to that" he said

"Merçi Rickie"

I walked back into the living room
"I've told him......" I trailed off as I stared at the people standing in our living room. Mi padre sat on one of the couches and there were two men sitting on the couch opposite him.

Who are they?

"Um dad?"

"Oh yes Soraya darling I'd like you to meet one of my close friends, Mr. Charles Ravine and his son Matthew Ravine" my father said, gesturing to the two men.

"Hello. Nice to meet you" I said, taking a seat beside my father.

I studied the two men as they nodded their head in greeting to me. The first one, Charles, looked awfully old in my opinion. He was probably in his late fifties while his son, Matthew looked slightly younger, probably in his early thirties.

I scrunched up my eyebrows as I noticed Matthew kept staring at me. The kind of staring that made me uncomfortable.

Why is he looking at me like that?

"Um....I'll just be in my room" I said, beginning to stand up.

My father stopped me though "no Soraya sit. We have something very important to discuss"

I sat back down and looked at mi padre expectantly.

"Charles and I have decided that it would be best for both our companies if we join families, seeing as the Ravine's are respected and known in the society" he said.

Join families? He wants to marry Charles?! I didn't know my daddy was gay. Although I did expect it once, he hasn't been interested or laid eyes on a woman since my mother died.

"What do you mean father?" I asked

He took a deep breath "Soraya say hello to Matthew......your new fiancé"

What. The. FUCK

I see some of you are still reading up till this point....well I hope you enjoyed that short prologue. Hopefully I'll be updating soon. Toodles!

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