~In The Beginning, There was 'Soratthew'~

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Hey fellas! So y'all are probably wondering wth 'soratthew' is. Well its the automatic ship name I came up with for 'Soraya' and 'Matthew'.

Onward with the story fair maidens!

Soraya Navajo has always lived a 'perfect' life in the eyes of others. She gets everything she wants on a silver platter and nothing less. That's what is expected because she's the daughter of famous business tycoon, Morgan Navajo. She grew up in a mansion and had maids do everything for her. she never had to lift a finger. But things changed when a man was introduced in her life. Matthew Ravine, her fathers best friend's son a.k.a her fiancé. Soraya had no idea she would be forced to marry a man twice her age when she was eighteen and of course didn't accept it. She has been stalling the wedding for four years and now that she is 22, she feels she is an independent woman who no longer has to follow her daddy's commands.

Alexander Calloway was just a rising star in the business world. Although slightly amateurish, business wise, Alexander is as professional as one can get when dealing with women. Alexander isn't the typical bad boy/player, he actually cares about lady's feelings and so, he informs them the type of guy he is before getting involved with them. 'I'm not one for a relationship so I'm sorry if you were looking for one. I'll probably just fuck you tonight and forget about you tomorrow. Back out now if you don't want this' is his motto.

When Soraya goes to a club one night, specifically tired of her fiancé trying to get into bed with her, and succeeding mostly by force, she aims to drink herself to stupor and forget for a night. So what happens when she catches the eye of a certain green eyed, black haired hottie whose body is just begging to be fucked.

Would Soraya do the right thing and be faithful to her fiancé or would she be a naughty girl and fuck our dearest Alexander?

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