Chapter 22

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Jihyun was crying her eyes out in her room. She didn't know that Jungkook was there. She didn't know what else to do.

" Princess?" Jihyun turned to look at the Prince.

" What are you doing here?" She asked, wiping her face.

" I just wanted to check on you. Why are you crying?" He asked.

" You don't have to know. Please leave. Why are you acting this way? We were force to get marry and why are you happy about it?" Jihyun asked in disbelief.

" First, I'm happy because I finally get to date a girl. Second, you're beautiful." He smiled but Jihyun felt pity for him.

All his life, he was controlled by his counselors and parents.

" I'm sorry but I'm not happy."

" Gosh, I know you like someone else. He came earlier right? I saw you staring at him. You know it's forbidden why-"

" Shut up and leave!" Jihyun yelled and pushed the boy out of her room.


" You were too much, Your Majesty." Jimin stated. " If you didn't like him, you should've just command him to stay away but instead you did this. You're not the man I know. The man I know is my uncle who is very loving and kind. He wouldn't do such childish things to the person he hates."

Jimin was always the type to agree with the king, with his uncle. He respected the man so much and wants to be like him but now he's change his mind.

" Jimin, do you know it's wrong for you to speak to me like that?" The king asked and Jimin nodded.

" I know. It's against the rules. Do what you want, Your Majesty. I just broke the rules." Jimin said.

The King hated how his beloved nephew called him Your Majesty. But ego took over him.

" As your punishment, I'll shall send you back to Busan after the final examination." He decided.

Jimin gulped and shut his eyes close and nodded.

" You may leave." He said and Jimin hurriedly left the chamber.

The other members were standing outside waiting for him and as he come out, Jimin just looked at them then left without saying anything but then he stopped his footsteps.

" You guys have to stay with Jihyun." He said then just left, leaving the others confused.

Jimin walked towards his room then he heard someone spoke behind a door.

" That boy who came earlier, he's the one. He's the king's-" He eyes widen as he heard the last word.

It can't be.


Jungkook was devastated. He swears to himself that he will never ever speak to them again and will break their connections after the final examination.

Junmi knew everything now. Jungkook was in love with the Princess and they were a couple. Junmi mouth have be itching to tell him something that their family has kept from him for 18 years.

' I guess it just runs in the family. I'm sorry, Jungkook.' She thought to herself, leaving the broken boy alone.


" Why can't we tell him?"

" Because he can't and I have no evidence to it."

" Then why did you let him go?"

" Because I couldn't think of an answer for him not to go and I never thought that this will happen. Oh my god."


Jungkook totally avoided his friends, he would ignore them and just leave them. He did saw Jihyun a few times but he never smiles at her, acting cold and heartless like he used to be.


One month has passed and final examination has ended and Jungkook hurriedly left the room, not wanting to have anything to do anymore in this school.

" Jungkook wait!" Jimin yelled,
Jungkook ignored him but Jimin grabbed his wrist.

" Stop it, Jimin. Stop!" He yelled, eyes on him and Jimin.

" No! You have to listen! Please!" Jimin said, eyes pleading for Jungkook to listen.

Jungkook stared into Jimin's eyes and sighed then nodded.

" Hurry up."

" Not hear. Follow me." He said and pulled Jungkook off to somewhere else.

They went to the BTS house and brought Jungkook to his room.

" Listen. I talked to the king about you and kinda scolded him.. Then he wants to send me back to Busan because I broke the rules."

" What? For how long?" Jungkook exclaimed. Even though he said he didn't care, deep down he cares.

" For how long is not important. The important thing is, I heard the dignitaries talking about the late King son. He came to the party to that day." Jimin said.

" Okay. Is it wrong for him to come?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

" It's not wrong but weird. Let me tell you a story." Jimin said, sitting down on his bed and Jungkook followed.

" A long time ago in 1985, there's a prince named Jeon Jungmin. He was only 14 years old at that time. He was the best, everyone loves him and adores him. He was every princesses ideal type. But then, he fell in love with a commoner he met at a river. He was just taking some fresh air there but then saw a girl and immediately fell for her. It was wrong for him to that, just like how Jihyun did with you. They have been in love for 10 years but no one knows about them until one day he was caught by one of his council. He resisted them and then one day he was just gone. News about him spread very quickly and some rumours told that he married to the girl but died in 2001 and was blessed with a son in the year of 1997, September 1." Jimin looked at him as Jungkook's eyes widen. " That's your birthdate right?"

" N-no. T-There's no way that I'm- No!" Jungkook stood up.

" Jungkook think about it! His last name is Jeon! Your last name is Jeon! Your father passed away in 2001 and you were born on 1st September 1997. What else is there to prove?"

" No, it can't be. I-" Jungkook was lost for words. It can't be. " My father's name wasn't Jungmin."

" He changed his name after he left but no one knew his name." Jimin said. " No wonder Jihyun said that you're special. Jihyun was blessed with a gift to read people but she can't read you but can feel it."

" Jimin, I don't know. It does make sense but at the same time it doesn't. Me, a prince. It doesn't make any sense." Jungkook exclaimed.

" It does and you're not just a prince. You're the rightful heir to the throne, Jungkook. You're a King."

End of chapter 22

Mind blown?

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