Chapter 17

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We went back inside a few minutes later and went to the living room, meeting the others there.

" So, how was the walk?" The Queen asked.

" It was fine, Your Majesty. The garden is very beautiful." I answered her question as I took a seat next to Jimin as Jihyun sat beside her father.

" I'm glad you like it. Jihyun really loves to go there whenever she has problems or stress."

" I see. Well, it's a great place to calm your mind." She smiled.

" Aigoo. I like the way you talk, Jungkook-sshi. I'm really comfortable talking to you." She stated and I was shocked but proud of myself.

" Thank you, Your Majesty. It's an honour." I smiled.

We talked quite a lot and the King and Queen is such a friendly person. They were right. The King may be strict but he's a loving father. The way he caressed Jihyun hair, the way he teased her, everything is with love. I'm jealous of that.

" Well, Jungkook-sshi. You are always welcome to come here." The Queen said as she lightly patted my cheek. I nodded.

" Thank you, Your Majesty."

" And, there'll be an event here next week and I would like you to join and be Jihyun's date." The King invited me as my eyes grew wider.

" Really, Daddy? You're being serious right?" Jihyun asked and her father nod. Jihyun grinned and hugged her father. " I love you, Daddy!" Jihyun beamed.

" So, can you join Jungkook?" The King asked and I nodded.

" It would my pleasure to join."

" Okay, you know what to wear. So, see you again. My driver will send you home." He said and I nodded.


I slump myself on the bed, thinking about the experience I had just now. I just met the King. Omg. I can't believe it.

Then, my mom suddenly opened my door room.

" Kookie,"

" Hey mom." She entered my room and smiled widely.

" Omg. You look so handsome in that suit. Since when did you have it?"

" Oh, I had dinner with my friend's parents and she bought me this suit." She smirked.

" She?" My eyes widen. " Kookie, is there something you're hiding from me?" I lightly nod.

" I have a girlfriend." I said.

" Really?! And you didn't tell me?!" She asked excitedly.

" Well, it's quite complicated but now I've met her parents and they were fine with and likes me. They even invited to come to their event to be Jihyun's date and always welcome to come to their house."

" Jihyun eh. I bet she's sweet. Aigoo. My Kookie is finally moving on and made friends. I'm glad and happy to know this. And I'm really happy to see you being friendly or not, just the cold you." She said as she cupped my cheek. " I really missed the cheerful you and you've become more cheerful now. I love you so much, Jungkook." She hugged me. " Please always be happy for me." I hugged her back.

" I will mom."


I changed into my pajamas and lied down on the bed. I hold my phone and looked for Jihyun's number in my contacts and pressed call button.

I pressed the phone against my ear and waited for her to answer.

" Hello,"

" Hi, Jihyun."

" Hi, Kookie. What's up?"

" Nothing. What are you doing right now?" I asked.

" Um. I'm not doing anything right now. Just talking to you and trying to get rid Jimin out from my room."

" HI JUNGKOOKIE!!!" I heard Jimin yelled over the phone.

" Omg. Jimin! Shut up!" She scolded him as I chuckled. " So, why did you call?"

" Nothing. I just want to hear your voice before I go to sleep and let's go on a date tomorrow."

" A date? I would love to. We never go on a date before."

" Okay. So, I'll pick you up at 10 am tomorrow."

" Alright. See you, Kookie."

" See you, tomorrow, kitten." I said and hung up, leaving her dumbfounded by calling her kitten. Yes, it's her pet name now. Kitten.


He hung up on me. Wtf? Kitten? He just called me kitten and he just fucking hung up on me. Ugh! Leaving me dumbfounded again. He really loves doing that to me. Well, I will get him back tomorrow.

" You guys are going on a date tomorrow?" Jimin asked and I nodded.

" Yes, and he called me kitten. Wth, Jimin? Why is he so good at leaving me, dumbfounded?"

" Really? He called you, kitten? oooh." He cooed.

" Ugh, whatever. Get out, I want to sleep." I said and pushed him out from my room.

I slump myself on the bed and grinned before going to sleep.


It's my first date with her tomorrow. Gosh, why am I nervous? My heart keep pounding like a kid.

Finally, our first date that I've been waiting for, I think it'll be our special day.

Hours has passed and I still couldn't sleep. After thinking about it for a while, I stayed up all night, thinking of what I should prepare for tomorrow.

Where should I bring her? Amusement park? Lotte world?

Alright. I think I had it all planed.

After planning everything. I still couldn't sleep and all I could think about is her. Gosh. Why am I like this?

When I meet you tomorrow, what should I say?

I looked at the time and it was 3 o'clock in the morning. Argh! Time, please go faster. Going on a date with you was what I always imagined to do someday. I don't think I can sleep at all tonight.

I get off from my bed and went to the balcony. I looked up to the sky and saw the beautiful stars and moon. Tomorrow is the date that I've been waiting for. The moonlight shines so bright tonight, the world seems like it is made for me even more today.

" Jungkook, what are you doing? It's like 3o'clock right now." Mom suddenly appeared which makes me shocked.

" Mom, you startled me. Well, I'm going on a date with Jihyun tomorrow and it's our first date so I'm quite nervous." She chuckled.

" Aigoo. It'll be fine. Go to sleep. You wouldn't want Jihyun to see you looking like a zombie tomorrow." I laughed.

" Alright. Goodnight mom." I kissed her hair.

" Goodnight sweetheart. Make sure to look handsome tomorrow." I nodded and went to my room.

And the last thought before going to sleep was Jihyun.

End of chapter 17

I just got my wings album!!! I'm so happy!

I just got my wings album!!! I'm so happy!

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