Chapter 9

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I was so excited to go to school today, I can finally talk to Jungkook.

I walked towards my locker and people were murmuring about me. More like gossiping. Then I saw Jungkook at his locker. I walked towards him and tapped his shoulder, grabbing his attention.

" Hi!" I smiled and he smiled back.

" Oh, hi Jihyun. Where's your bodyguard?" He asked while looking at his notebook.

" Well, good news. He's not following anymore. There were some problems so-"

" Jimin!!!" He yelled as he saw Jimin. He left me alone there and hugged Jimin. What the hell?

" Ya! I missed you so much!" Jimin fake cried. Pft. Gay ass.

They break away and walked towards Jungkook's locker together.

" So, how's life without me?" Jimin asked as Jungkook took a book from his locker.

" It was boring obviously. I have something to tell you. Let's go." He said and walked away but he stopped his footsteps and looked at me. " Jihyun, I'll catch up with you later." He pecked my cheek and left.

Leaving me dumbfounded there.

Jimin eyes was wide open and looked at me then he smirked. I bit my lower lips. Damn, I could feel blood rushed to my cheeks.

I ran to the restroom and washed my face. What the hell is he trying to do?


I saw what he did!!! Omg. Jihyun must be very happy and Jungkook, wow, he has the guts to do so. He just kissed her casually like they've kissed before. My eyes widen. Maybe they did had a kiss before! How can they never tell me about this!!!!

" YA! Why did you kissed Jihyun?" I asked.

" That's what I wanted to tell you."

" Tell me."

" Okay. I like her but I want to tease her." I raised an eyebrow.

" What do you mean?"

" First, I'll tease her like, hugging her or kissing her but then I walk away."

" Like confusing her?" He nodded. " Why?! Just confessed!"

" No way. I'll make her confess to me then I'll confess to her."

" Pshh. Weird asshole. Do whatever you want but don't hurt her and!!! Did you guys kissed before?" He looked at me.

" Once." My once widen.

" When?!"

" Yesterday. She was crying and I missed her so much and I saw her lips and I kissed it." My jaw dropped.

" Do you that's her first kiss?" His eyes widen.

" Seriously?! If I knew that, I would've kissed her more passionately!" I laughed.

" Idiot. You've had your first kiss?"

" Yeap. When I was 16 with my girlfriend in Busan but then I transferred to Seoul and she couldn't handle long distance so she broke up with me." I just nodded. " Then I never started a relationship after that. It'll just hurt you but now, I'm not going anywhere and I happen to like her."

" You won't regret liking Jihyun." I said and he smiled.


It was recess and I had my lunch with them. Jihyun was sitting next to me. Her hand kept touching mine, making me has the urge to hold it and I did. I could feel that she was frozen but I acted like nothing happened.

After we ate, we hang out at the basketball court and played basketball in teams. Me, Jimin and Tae in one team. Namjoon, Jin and Suga hyung in one team and Hoseok was the referee. Suga hyung is so good in basketball, the score was 12-10. Whoever scores 15 first wins. Finally, the hyung line won to 15-13. We couldn't say anything because it was a fair game.

Jihyun passed them a towel because we were sweating like crazy and when she passed the towel to me, I didn't take it.

" What?" She asked.

" Aren't you gonna wipe it for me?" She smiled then wipe my sweat on my neck lightly then my face suddenly she shove it in my face.

" Do it yourself." She said and threw the towel at me and I catched it. I was shocked but I laughed. She was playing hard to get.


Today's school is finally over and I went to locker.

I closed my locker and turned around then I saw Jihyun was at her locker. I smirked. The hallway was empty so it's revenge time.

I grabbed her shoulders and turned her around, facing me and lightly slam her to her locker. Her eyes widen.

" Ya, what are you doi-" I kissed her but only for 3 seconds then I walked away. " Ya! Jeon Jungkook!!!" She yelled. " Stop right there!" She yelled and chase after me.

She grabbed my wrist and stood in front of me.

" What are you trying to do right now? Why did you kissed me?" I just stood still, didn't know what to answer. " Answer me, Jeon Jungkook."

" What?"

" Why did you kissed me? What's the meaning of it?"

" It was a goodbye kiss." I smiled then pecked her forehead and walked away, leaving her dumbfounded.


What was he trying to do?!! He kissed me then left me dumbfounded without saying anything.

Goodbye kiss? Since when there's a goodbye kiss? Why? I wasn't even his girlfriend to receive a goodbye kiss. Ughh. You're playing around huh, Jeon Jungkook? Fine. Game on. If you want to play, I'll play with you.


After I had dinner, I went to BTS house and Jungkook was there as well. It was awkward to meet him but I need to act cool.

" Hey guys. What're you guys playing?" I asked as I sat in between Jimin and Jungkook but completely ignoring Jungkook.

" Nothing, just W.W.E. Want to join?" Jin oppa asked as he was playing.

" Sure." I said.

" I call dibs to fight with her." Jungkook said. I glared at him.

" Are you sure? I don't want you to cry because your ass was beaten by a girl." He laughed.

" Oh no, sweetheart. It won't happen." Did he just called me, sweetheart? Gosh! He's doing it on purposed and now I'm blushing.

" We'll see about that."

" Let's make a deal. The loser have to give what the winner wants."

" Okay, deal." He smirked.

" Game on."

" Game on."

End of chapter 9

Hey guysss sorry for not updating this book.. I was busy writing of friendship and love because I need to end it soon so I can post another book.. And I've read your comments that I missed.. It was funny.. To who read My hot husband, and commented on it, I've all of it.. You guys are all perverted hoes 😂😂.. anywayss pls wait for the next update..  Love, Yoona.. 😘

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