Chapter 12

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I was in my room, thinking about Jungkook confessing to me. It's a lie if I say I didn't fluttered because I did the whole time when we were together. But sadly I can't be with him unless I break the rules. But when I think about it, we're still young. Even though we're in love now, doesn't mean we're gonna get marry in the future right? Not to that extend but I would be the happiest person if he's my husband. Who wouldn't? He's like every girls dream boyfriend. He's just perfect in my eyes.

Suddenly, my room door knocked.

" Princess, Your Majesty wants to see you." One of the maids said. I nodded and went out of my room.

I went to the living room and found him.

" Yes daddy?" I asked as I sat next to him.

" Jihyun, I want you to end your relationship." My eyes widen. Does he know about Jungkook?

" With who?" I asked.

" With that Busan Duke's son. He's not trustworthy. End it ASAP." I smiled and nodded. " And about that normal boy, just be careful around him. Do whatever you want but be careful. I'm sorry for slapping you the other day." He hugged me.

" It's okay daddy. Thank you.."

I ran back to my room and called Jimin.


The next day, I went to school and haven't seen Jungkook but soon, I did. I walked towards him and tapped his shoulders.

" Hi, Jungkook." I beamed.

" Hey," He said, dully.

" Hey, what with the dull attitude? It's a nice morning and we should smile." I said, cheerfully. He smiled and then sighed.

" It's just, I had a bad night so." He looked down.

" Oh. Well, your sun is here to light up your day!" I beamed and he chuckled.

" Since when did you became my sun?" He asked which makes me taken aback. " We didn't clarified anything, so, I'll get going. I have soccer training." He said then left me, dumbfounded again. But this time the feeling was different. It felt hurt. It felt like I was rejected but still confused.

Last night, he said he wants me. He confessed to me and said I love you. He said wants to be my man. He said that he'll run to me when he have to but now, he's furthering away from me. He's rejecting me. What does he actually want from me?


I didn't mean to do that to her but after knowing who she is. I have to. I have to distance myself from her, from BTS.


I walked back home after spending some time with Jihyun but suddenly a man stopped me. He was familiar. When I checked again, it was Jihyun bodyguard, Nickhun.

" I saw what happened." He blurted out.

" What do you mean?"

" I saw you kissing with Princess Jihyun. Do you think you are allow to do that?" He spat. What the hell? Princess Jihyun?

" Wait, why are you calling her, Princess?"

" Are you dumb? She's the Princess of Korea. She has Royalty blood and you're just a normal boy who suddenly kissed her and touched her like however you want to." My eyes widen.

" W-what? I didn't know." I stuttered.

" Know it or not, I don't care because you do now. Stay away from her, from her friends."

" Friends? BTS?"

" Yes, they're the Royals and Jimin's a Prince. They are this country's future so, I don't want you to be the cause of their future to be ruined. So, you better stay away from them or I'll tell king about it." He exclaimed then walked away.


End of flashback

All this time, they never told me about this. After developing love for them as friends, I have to stay away from them. Especially Jihyun, I love her more than just friends but this happen. Why?

I know she must be very confuse and hurt. I didn't mean to, I want her to be by my side always. But who am I to deserve her? She's a Princess when I'm just a boy.

It was raining heavily but I didn't stop kicking to ball into the goal post. I was mad and sad so I released it to the balls that I kicked and it wasn't enough.

" AGHHHH!!!! WHY?! Why do I love her?" I yelled as I slump myself on the grass and leaned to the goalpost. " Why?" I said, hugging my knees.

I opened the door apartment and saw my mom, cleaning the house.

" Hey, mom."

" Hello, Kookie. Omo! You're soaking wet!" She said as she took a towel in her room for me.

" Thanks mom. I was practicing soccer and it suddenly rains. So, I couldn't avoid it." She nodded.

" Well, Kookie. Go shower. I have to tell you something."

" Just tell me right now. I'm planning to sleep right away after I showered."

" Okay, then. I've told you about Uncle Daehyun proposed to me right?" I nodded. " Well, we've set a date for the wedding and it's in another 2 weeks." I was speechless. " After I married him, we'll stay in his house." No way...

" Mom, I don't mind you're marrying him but I won't stay with him. I'll stay here." I said.

" But Kookie, you haven't spend time with him yet. Once you get to know him, you'll like him trust me." I sighed.

" Fine. But if I'm not comfortable with him, I'm staying here." She smiled and nodded.

I went to my room and showered.

I wore my basketball pants and leave my upper body naked then I slump on my bed. But I was starting to let my anger to my blanket. I kicked it and throw it.

I'm so fucking frustrated right now. First, I have to stay away from my friends, from Jihyun. And now, my mom's marrying someone else. Fuck my life. I hate this. What's happening to my life?

I took my phone and my fingers were leading to call Jihyun but I shouldn't. But my heart is telling me to do so. Should I?

" Hello?" I started.

" Hi, Jungkook." She replied. " Why are you calling me?" She asked softly. Her voice.

" I-I just want to hear your voice." I whispered as my eyes were starting to get watery.

" W-Why?" She asked. Her voice was shaky.

" Because I'm having a very bad day and I needed to listen to your voice."

" W-why me?" She sobbed.

" Please don't cry."

" H-how can I not cry when you keep on c-confusing me? L-last night you said you love me but then you acted cold towards me. W-why?"

" I'm sorry. Please, I just.. I need your happy voice. I'm so depressed right now."

" Well, you think that you're depressed, how about me? Leaving me dumbfounded all the time. Are you using me for your own pleasure because if yes, forget about it. I'm not someone you can play with." She hung up on me. I raked my hair in frustration.

Why is this happening to me?

End of chapter 12

Think Jihyun's father like King Triton. A strict father yet a very loving father.

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