Chapter 5

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I don't get it, what are they? I know that they must be rich as hell but they said I was special. No, she said. What's so special about me? I'm just a poor boy who came from a small town. I was a nobody.

" Just join us Jungkook. We can also help you from getting bullied by Got7." Jin said.

" He just bullied Jimin." I stated. They laughed.

" Jungkook, you really need to know a lot. Let's go." Namjoon said.

" Where are we going?" I asked. I never thought of getting in a gang but mom told me to blend in and BTS is the most popular group in school so why not?

" To our private spot." Hoseok said.

" I have to follow?" Jimin walked towards me and patted my back.

" You're part of BTS now. So, you need to know where we always meet. Let's go." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and dragged me. " Damn, why are you so tall?" Jimin asked.

" Because you're short." I spat. Then the others laughed.

" Yeap. I totally like him." Namjoon said and hi-fived with me. " You got jams." He said then walked.

" Assholes." Jimin cursed. They just ignored him and laughed.


We were waiting for their car then a car came. Jihyun came out from it.

" Princess, please listen to me." The driver said, trying to stopped her from doing something. Princess?

She looked at me and we had eye contact but then her eyes drifted to Jimin. She ran towards him and hugged him.

" Gosh, I'm glad you're okay." She said.

" I'm fine. How did you know?"

" Jimin, it's obvious."

" Right. Camera's everywhere." That's creepy. She looked at me.

" Hi."

" Hi."

" Why is he with you guys?" Jihyun asked the others.

" He's one of us now." Taehyung said. She smiled and looked at me.

" Welcome. Just be comfortable with them." I nodded.

" Princess, please. Your Majesty will get mad if he knows you left your room." The driver said. Your Majesty? Wait? I'm so confused right now.

" Go, Jihyun. You don't him to lock you in your room right?" Jimin said.

" Ughh, fine. You guys, go home too. Bye. Take care." She said and left.

I looked at Jimin.

" I'm very confused right now. Princess? Your Majesty? What kind of Fairytale story are you guys playing?" He sighed.

" Jungkook, we'll explained to you once we get to our house." Jin said. I nodded and was still wondering, what are they?


Once we got to the house, all of us sat in the living room. The house was huge!!

" Let's play a game!" Taehyung suggested.

" Yeah, let's play Fifa!" Jimin said. " I want to fight Jungkook." He smirked.

I laughed and jumped over the couch.

" Oh, you're going down." I said and he laughed.

" Oh no, get ready to get your ass kick!" He beamed and chose a team.

" No, you get ready. I was the best soccer player in old school so get your ass ready." I said and chose a team.

Everyone was so excited and in the end, I won. Ahahahahah!! I hi-fived with Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung because they were on my team.

" What the hell!! You cheated!" Jimin whined.

" How the hell can I cheat? I was playing right beside you. You're just bad at it." I stucked out my tongue at him.

" YA! Come here you brat!!!" He said and chase after me.

Then when he caught me, we wrestled.

I can't believe that I'm saying this but this is fun. This guys are fun. I'm glad they took me in.

After we played around, it was already dinner. I had to run home and when I got there, my mom wasn't home but the foods were ready on the table along with a note.

" Sweety, I'll be coming home late. Don't wait for me.. Mom." I put the note away and went to my room.

I took my bath and put on singlet and basketball pants. Later, I ate dinner alone.

After dinner, I went to my room and slump myself on the bed. Gosh, I'm so bored. What's mom doing right now?

I played games on my phones for a few minutes but I was still bored.

I put on my hoodie and shoes, planning to take a walk at the park.

I went out the building and I saw my mom coming out from a car. There was a guy, walking towards her and give her a kiss on the cheeks. My eyes widen.

Is mom dating someone already?

She entered the building with a smile on her lips. Something's fishy.


The next day, I went to school after taking my breakfast. I didn't even ask my mom about yesterday because I don't feel like asking her.

Suddenly, a car stopped beside and I took a look. It was Jimin and Jihyun.

" Yo, Jungkook. Come ride with us." He said. I nodded and entered the car.

" Thanks Jimin." I said. I looked at Jihyun and said, " Hi."

" Hello." She replied.

After that, it was an awkward silent.

" So," Jimin broke it. " We're going to the music carnival in Gangnam tonight. Do you want to join us?" He asked.

" Sure. I'll tell my mom later." He nodded.

" Jihyun will be performing, ya know."

" Ya! Do you have to tell him?" Jihyun hit his arm.

" Oww! Is it wrong to tell him?" He pouted.

" You sing?" I scoffed. She glared at me.

" No, I don't that's why I'm performing." She said sarcastically, making me chuckled.

She's a one feisty girl.

When we arrived at school, Jihyun said something to Jimin then left right away. Jimin walked towards me and wrapped an arm around my neck.

" Let's go." He grinned. Is it just me or he's quite gay?

We sat on our seat and Jimin started to attack V with playful punches. Then I felt like someone is looking at me. When I looked up, I saw Jaebum, glaring at me. He suddenly smirk and stood up from his seat. He walked towards me and bumped my shoulder. I rolled my eyes. So childish.

End of chapter 5

I was so happy last night because I get to take a lot of pics with my crush and he didn't mind at all but my friends said he might notice that I like him and I can't let that happen so I acted a hoe last night. I took pics with all of my guy classmates.. Hahahaha.. At least he won't notice.. How i wish I could post my pics with him in IG but I can't he might get suspect of me liking him so I didn't and it made me so sad..

The Princess And Me (Jeon Jungkook)(BTS)Where stories live. Discover now