Chapter 23

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Jungkook went back home and called his mom.

" What is it, Jungkook?" She asked as she walked out from her room.

" You knew right? All this time you knew that my father was a King." He said and her eyes widen.

" Jung-"

" Why didn't you tell me? Why keep it a secret?" Jungkook exclaimed.

" Yes! Yes! I knew about it. We ran away and get married. He didn't want to have anything to do with the throne anymore and just want us to be a happy family but then he died when you were 4. Do you how hard it was when he died? You were still a small boy and I wasn't working. Even if I wanted to reveal that you're Jungmin's son, there was no prove or evidence. I didn't know what to do so I decided to keep it a secret. They did know that you were the heir to the throne, instead they tried to kill you, Jungkook and I couldn't let that happen to my baby." Jungkook eyes widen. " Do you know how scared I was when you said that you were invited to the castle? The thoughts of them knowing that you were the rightful heir and will take you away from me, frightens me. I can't lose you like how I lost your father. I can't." She cried.

Jungkook pulled her into a hug and apologized to his mother. He was sorry that he yelled at her but it wasn't fair for him. He has the right to know.

" I'm sorry, mom." Jungkook apologized, lightly kissing his mom's hair.

The both of them sat on the couch and Jungkook knew everything now. Their love was too strong and Jungmin won't give up on their relationship. Jungmin didn't want anyone except for her. Jungmin didn't care if he has to dethrone. He didn't care as long as he has her.

Jungkook was sad to hear all of this from his mother.

" We were so happy Jungkook. Even after what we went through. We were still happy. He was the happiest when you were born. I thought his lips would tore apart because of his wide smile. All he wanted was a happy family. Just you, me and him. Our lives were never easy. Your father works at a factory and I didn't work because I have to looked out for you. Then, when you reached at the age of 4, we planned to celebrate your birthday. I waited for your father to come home but he didn't. I waited and waited until the door was knocked. I thought it was your father. But it wasn't. It was one of his co-worker. His looked sad and down and he told me that your father passed away." She stopped and sobbed. " He was killed while on his way home. People found out that he was Jeon Jungmin and they killed him." She sobbed louder. " He didn't deserve to die that way Jungkook. It was unfair for him! He was a nice man. I loved him so much." She burst into tears. Jungkook hugged his mother and caressed her back.

" Who killed him, mom?"

" I heard that the person who killed him was paid to do so but I never know who Jungkook. I- It's not fair for him Jungkook. He shouldn't die in that cruel way." Jungkook nodded and looked at his mother.

" Mom, I will avenge for dad. I will look for the guy who killed him and I'll make sure the guy will lost the person he loves and make him suffer and beg on his knees to me. I will make him to that mom. I will. I swear I will." Jungkook has determined to do so. He will avenge for his father and make sure the murderer will suffer all his life.

Jungkook was on his bed. He has decided,

" Jungkook, I can help you! Follow me to Busan then we'll look for the prove in the palace there." Jimin said.

" What's the use? I know nothing about the throne nor even want it."

" Yes. I know but, you can stop Jihyun's wedding." Jungkook looked at him, shocked. " Want it or not, they will have to fulfil your wishes." Jimin stated. My eyes widen, shocked.

The Princess And Me (Jeon Jungkook)(BTS)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن