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Zak's POV

She left me sitting by myself with a goodbye that I swear killed me.

I knew she was better but apart of me was scared if she ever got back to that state of mind, she did understand how I feared for her life. That it was my fault she was possessed, my fault she had to leave and basically every thing that happened was because of me and my work.

I can't lose Roni but I feel like I've already lost her. I didn't buy her whole 'break up' speech, she wants to be with me but it comes with difficulty. I'm prepared to do anything for Roni, above and beyond. I love her.

Morning had sprung and the sun gleamed on my face, I had been awake all night fighting with my head and heart. I know what I wanted but I had to get Roni to listen, I had to get her to understand that I need her.

I glanced at the clock and saw 8am, we were leaving today at 10am so I decided to get up and shower. The water poured all over me and slowly the tears followed, I was an emotional wreck. This is a side no one see and I make sure of it, only Aaron and Roni have seen me at my worst.

I came out of the shower with the towel wrapped around my waist and sat down with my phone looking at photos of Roni and myself. My smile grew at every photo of her, her smile was contagious. I knew deep down my soulmate is her.

"How can she want this?" I asked myself. As I closed my eyes I tried to remember to good times but then a cloud of storms rumbled up, the glass window incident, the possessive spirit who captured her, we found her chained in my office, she ran off with Nick and the worst of them all when she nearly died, when I thought I lost the most perfect person in the world.

I could see now why she wanted it over, my shadows almost killed her light.

"Zak! 5minutes!" Bacon yelled and banged my door. My body shook and I quickly picked up the rest of my stuff and headed out.

As I headed down the corridor I spotted Roni leaving her room with Aaron, Aaron looked like crap. The lockdown drained him the most but him having Roni by his side was good, her aura could deal with anything. It's like she was built to protect people.

She glanced up at me and I lost my concentration, I became dizzy and lost my place and crumbled to my knees. Everything went hazy, I remember hearing footsteps approach. I felt Roni's hands hold my face, she screamed my name.

"Zak! Zak!" She huffed. "Help please?" She called out. I simply smiled and closed my eyes.

As my eyes closed the I could see the past months rewind, all our laughs, fights, kisses and the love. It was a warm feeling, it was comfortable and my body eased into it.

"Zak stay with me" her voiced started to fade and soon darkness shut my eyes.


"Wha-holy shit" I rubbed my head as my body shook. Where was I? I could feel blankets, the earth around me was moving. I couldn't open my eyes, I started to panic. "Help!" I screamed.

"Hey sssh" a set of cool hands grabbed my head and pulled me in close, it was Roni. "You're okay." She rubbed my head.

"You're here?" I squinted my eyes and started to picture everything together. I was in the RV, surrounded by Aaron and Roni.

"Yes, I'm here." She smiled. I urged my body closer to her's and cuddled her. I knew I was okay now, I had her so I went back to sleep knowing she was here.


I grumbled again knowing my body had enough sleep, I was grumpy and sore. "Hey sleepy" Roni brought in water and kneeled next to the bed.

"How long?" I coughed. "Was I out?"

"A day. You past out, severely dehydrated and no food in your stomach. Zak you scared me?" She played with my hair.

"You scared me when you left." I exhaled. I rolled on my stomach and faced her. "I need you." I reached my arm out for her. She looked at me and pulled away, she wrapped her arms around her legs. "Roni?" I pleaded.

"Zak" she whispered.

"Don't cry" I begged. "Don't. Don't. I'm sorry." I brought my hand back into me, I dug my face in the pillow and cried. "If you love me don't let me go, I need you. I love you, I won't let go." I cried out.

"Za" she got up and rushed out of the room. She closed the door and I felt her body hit back at the door.

I wanted to get up and hold her, I didn't care if she fought me I needed her. I wasn't strong enough, so all I could do was cry and lie in pain until I fell asleep again.

Aaron's POV

"Roni?" She came out a mess, she hit back at the door in anger.

"I have to walk away but I can't. Goddamn it!" She slid down the door and held herself on the floor.

"Why? Why do you have to walk?" I sat opposite her.

"What if if not 100% possession free? I can't be a burden in him, he has enough to deal with. He is better off without me. I'm still a fucking mess." She cried into her hands.

"ENOUGH!" I screamed causing Bacon to hit the breaks hard and stop. Roni's body was thrown had me and I couldn't catch her so she went head first into the cupboards.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" Bacon yelled and dove to Roni's aid. "Aaron!" He screamed.

I crawled to Roni, she was breathing still. Apart of me signed in relief but man I was going to cop this. "Roni? Baby talk?"

"Aaron you ass" she panted. She groaned loudly as she sat up. "Everyone okay?" She rubbed her head. "Zak!"

She got up to her feet and stumbled to the back room were she found Zak still fast asleep and in bed. She closed the door and took a seat on the lounge.

"You love him. Don't walk away" I got up and went to her. "You walk away and then you walk away from me."

"But Aaron" she held her hands together.

"No but Aaron, Zak needs you. You have no idea what went through him when shit hit the fan. How he hated me when I sent you to England, he blames himself for picking up on your possession. He blames his life and for the first time in forever he is questioning his work, he'd rather you than the life he chose."

She looked back at the room and got up, she entered the room and closed the door. There will always be obstacles with these two but I believe they'll conquer them all.

"Hope they work it out" Bacon leaned on me.

"Me too" I patted his back. "C'mon let's go home."

Limits.  (Zak Bagans Fan Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon