An Old Friend, Old Memories.

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I was fuming at the events that had just taken place. Zak had many reasons to hate me but he never had one reason to blame me for leaving, he knew I was going.

I left Aaron's and caught a taxi into the strip, I was a mess and I needed to get lost. Get lost in a crowded place and let my mind breathe so I decided to get into a club and start drinking, excessively.

I found places Zak wouldn't find me in or Aaron. I hid mostly at the back of the clubs gambling or dancing by myself. Every time I stopped and thought of Zak I nearly wanted to cry so I avoided that at all costs and continued to drink, I call it the Zak Drinking Game and I was winning.

One shot, two shots, three shots.

The shots kept coming, I managed to find a drunken gay friend Rei and we started our therapy session with vodka.

"It's so hard coming out, like now I can vent which is good and I can be me but so many people don't like who I've become." He sobbed into his glass.

"Fuck them. If you're gay, then own it babe! Don't hide because of anyone, don't stop shining because of others. You live for yourself man" I high five him but our hands missed each other's again and again. "I think I'm drunk."

"You know what I will be me! I'm fabulous and I had a wardrobe to die for! I'm slaying this game!" Rei poked out his tongue and yelled.

"So, any offers from any boys?" I wiggled my eyes to the gay group over by the bar.

"Oooo baby girl they're hot! But do you know who's hot? Zak Bagans." He awwwed hard. "Do you know who he is darling?"

Zak. My Zak, well used to be my Zak.

"Yea... heard he is a shit lay tho" I lied.

"No way! Have you seen his arms! Uhhhh" I feel like Rei was having an orgasm in his pants.

"True." His arms were good, they way they'd hold your body, make you feel like on top of the world. "Well do you want him?" I winked.

"Yes baby" he started to grind the chair.

"I know where he lives" I laughed wickedly. This was going to be huge pay back to Zak.

"I don't need to know his house, he is right over there!" He screamed causing Zak to look over at us. Shit.

"Fuck" I groaned. "I gotta go!" I chugged the last of my beer and ran off into the back.

"Veronica!" I heard his voice speak my name behind me. I didn't turn around. I rushed through the exit doors and into the busy streets, everything was blurry and moving too fast. I could here footsteps coming and I knew I had to run but where.

"Roni" hand gripped my waist and pulled me into a coat. "Roni it's you" I looked up to see the familiar face of an old friend.

"You look like shit" he huddled me in his jacket tighter. "Speak Roni?"

"N-Nick?" I gasped as I blinked rapidly.

"So long" he chuckled. The steel door behind me started to thud and my stomach nearly exploded knowing it's Zak.

"Need to get away?" He looked at the door.

"Now. Yes." We started to shuffle through the crowd and found a taxi. Nick pushed me in first and then slid in behind me. "Anywhere you wanna go?" I asked him.

Nick gave the address of his old apartment and the taxi drove slowly pulled away. I turned my head back to see Zak looking through the crowd, Nick's eyes followed mine and he breathed out hard. "You're joking me?" He scoffed.

"What?" I spat at him.

"You're not with him, you aren't that stupid? Please Roni you can't be that stupid!" He shook his head and that was the only conversation we had during the taxi ride back to his apartment.

As the ride ended, Nick and myself stood outside the building staring into each other. "Coming in?"

"Don't you think I'm stupid?" I shook my head and looked away.

"You are stupid but that doesn't mean I'll leave you." He held out his hand.

"You already left me once, to peruse a show. Behind their backs." I crossed my arms.

"PLEASE! Come inside." Nick always had a short fuse. As held yelled my body jumped and I went to him.

I followed him up stairs and we headed into his apartment, it hadn't changed much since he left. Still a bachelor pad, still photos from when he was with Zak and Aaron.

"Do you miss them?" I asked as my finger traced images of them three, all so young. I remember all these memories.

"No. what happened happened, there's no feeling, guilt or nothing left. I don't miss them at all." He threw a picture of him and Zak across the room.

"You seem pissed?" I teased knowing I was getting him angry.

"You can sleep in the room, I'll take the lounge." He pointed to the room. "We'll talk tomorrow when you feel and look better."

Nick cuddled up in the blankets and refused to look at me so I went in the room and sat on the bed. I looked to the nightstand and saw the photo of the guys when they went away for their first big Ghost Adventures trip. So happy, we all were. I was with Aaron, Nick and Zak practically were a couple. How times have changed.

I placed the photo down and rested my head on the pillow, I still had no phone to call Zak so I dialled his number form Nicks phone but as I suspected Zak blocked this number. I was drunk, alone and had no way of getting to Zak and all I want is Zak.

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