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It's currently 4am, I'm sitting on the bathroom floor and I'm one hand I have my phone which has made a thousand and one calls to Zak and in the other a empty bottle of wine. Carter's mum words were going through my head 'how does he have time for you? He is constantly on the road. What about Aaron?

In all honesty, what about Aaron? I had neglected the one person who was always there for me, the last few days we had been on the rocks and I wasn't worried. I love Aaron unconditionally but I love Zak too, the choice is hard. I know being with Zak kills Aaron, the look a jealousy is written all over his body. And Zak, how do I have a functional relationship with a demon hunter? Whom his house and museum hates me.

I dialled Aaron number and was hoping he'd answer.


'Aaron you answered!' I happily cried.

'Roni what's the fuck going on?'

'Wha---how the fuck do I know what's happening?'

'You went to dinner with Carter?'

'How did you know?'

'His mother rang, saying the wedding plans have changed now.'


I screamed so loudly and threw my phone across the room, the lights flickered and exploded. I started to calm myself down and breathe, I had glass cuts covered my arms and a broken phone.

"Oh. That's it."

I grabbed my keys and headed out, I knew where I was going. I knew what I was doing, she has pushed me far by my limits and I've had enough. I decided to give Sonya (Carter's mother) a visit.

I stumbled upon Sonya's house absolutely angry that Zak and Aaron assumed Sonya was telling the truth, that's probably why Zak wasn't answering my calls.

"Oi!" I threw my empty wine bottle at the window.

"Hey!" Sonya came out not expecting to see me. "Oh.."

"Wedding plans... calling Aaron... you have the nerve!" I stumbled up her stairs to face this horror of a women.

"Aaron should see who you really are!" She spat out.

"Who am I really? Not marrying your son! So you lied to Aaron and now Zak doesn't talk to me! Are you happy?" I shoved her.

"You don't deserve anyone. My Carter is heartbroken." She sobbed.. pathetically.

"Your son cheated on me! Your son showed me no respect! He must've learnt it from you!" I slapped her across the face sending her on the floor. "You ever, EVER try in involve yourself in my life I'll kill you."

I stormed off more upset than angry, I didn't know where to go or what to do. I had Aaron who was assured I was still with Carter, Zak who now wasn't speaking to me and as for myself I was stranded in Seattle.


Aaron's POV

"She's marrying him?" Zak tried not to choke on his words. "But me and her?"

"Something's not right, Roni wouldn't do that!" Ashley defended Roni, I too believe Roni wasn't capable of that but Roni has been so unpredictable lately I don't know what to think.

"Dude something is going on, Sonya hates me. I don't know why she'd do this" I was baffled to understand this all, my phone buzzed in my pocket. "Excuse me."


'Aaron it's Carter. Something's wrong!'

'Carter! What's going on? You and Roni getting married?'

Zak looked up and his face went red, red as the devil, red as the colour of love.

'No! My mum fucked up. You know she hates Roni and you, but that's not the problem! Roni is missing!'

Fuck. I sunk into the lounge and dropped the phone. I can't believe she's done a runner, I should've gone to her. I shouldn't have spoken to her like that, as the phone was unattended Zak jumped off the lounge and answered it.

'If you've touched her I'll kill you!'

'Zak no. Roni is missing and no nothing is between us, please just help me. Look I've been a cunt to her but she doesn't deserve to go missing, she isn't right Zak. She's terrified of her own shadow so I don't believe she'd actually run away.'

"Seattle. Let's go!" Zak hung up the phone and threw it back.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Carter is right, Roni wouldn't run away. He said she's terrified of her own shadow, I think Roni has an attachment. Roni she used to mumble when she slept and she'd talk to someone." Zak grunted in agony.

"I hated her at yours. You'd wanna hope Zak nothing from your museum followed her." I threatened him.

"Guys!" Ashley broke us apart. "You two aren't the focus here it's Roni! Now her phone is off and she has left the hotel she was at, where would she go?"

"New York maybe?" I gestured as she always wanted to visit New York.

"We can't even contemplate that idea, we can't hike across the country in hopes she'd be there." Zak fought back and he was right. She literally could be anywhere.

What were we to do now? We had no traces of Roni and time soon was running out. We stood in the room all looking away from each other, hoping soon one would have an idea.

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