Why Is She Coming To Me?

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I woke up to an arm wrapped around me, legs intertwined with mine and Zak snoring others might've been pissed but it was so cute to see him asleep. I know along with his nightmares she hasn't been sleeping but every time he is with me he is asleep, maybe I work him out of I'm good for him?

I tip toed out of bed and headed outside, I heard Gracie whine so I took her out with me. She ran around the yard and I dipped my feet into the pool and enjoyed the piece and quite.

"Sweet pea?" Zak stumbled outside, rubbing his eyes. "It's early."

I checked my watch. "It's 11am" I replied.

"Yea and it's my day off so it's early." He grumbled.

"Well you sleep and I'll go home?" I stood up and went to give him a morning kiss. "Sleep alright?"

"So good" he moaned while he kissed me. "Breakfast?" He pulled me inside before I could say yes. "I've got pancakes, bacon, eggs." He bent over searching through the fridge.

"How about you" I spanked his butt and made him jump.

"You're desert" he pulled away and licked his lips. "Best meal of the day." He bit into my neck.

"You cool I'm going to go bathroom and wash my face" I kissed his cheek and headed back into his room and into the ensuite. I heard the front door and Zak called out telling me he'd answer it, I shrugged my shoulders and continued doing what I was doing.

As I finished I headed out and searched for Zak and whoever was here.

"Hello." An older lady appeared from the kitchen.

"Hey" I asked confused.

"You're very pretty" she pointed at me.

"And you are?" I asked.

"Roni, you can't hurt him. Ok?" I stood still. "Ok?" She demanded.

"Yes oh god." I jumped back and she frighten the life out of me. She walked around the corner and I soon followed. "Zak? Who is here? That old lady who is it?"

Zak's mums appeared from behind Zak. "Roni that's my mum" he answered slowly.

"No. There was an older lady, there!" I pointed to the spot but no one was there, Zak looked to where I was pointing and back at me. "Zak. Believe me." Maybe I was going crazy?

"Anyway, you must be Roni. Nice to finally put a face to the name I've been hearing about." She nudged Zak.

"Aw" I pushed Zak. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you Mrs Bagans." We shook hands and his mum hurried off to work.

"Ahh sorry" Zak rubbed my shoulders. "I don't think she'd pop in today."

"Zak someone is in your house." I pushed his hands away from me. "You can't ignore that! She spoke to me!"

"Roni, it's probably a spirit or something. There's so many of them loose in here" he chuckled.

"But I don't like them communicating" I shook my head as the hairs on my arms rose. "She looked like your mum."

"What" he gasped. "My mother? The lady who just was here?"

"Yes Zak."


"Hey Roni" Kate nudged me. "You look like you're way overthinking."

"Mm sorry?" I completely missed what she said.

"Overthinking? You okay?" She looked concerned.

"Oh just tired. Sorry, what do you want me to do?" I pulled myself off the bench. 

"Close up? I'm heading to my fiancé's mothers house for her birthday so I need you to close up." She handed me the keys. "You're okay right?"

"Yea yea go, you'll be late" I smiled and shoved her out. I started to shut down the computers and put away stuff and then I noticed Zak's Mercedes pull up in front. "Here we go" I groaned to myself.

"Zak I'm closing up" he didn't stop, he continued to storm through the store.

"Who was it?" He answer angrily, I stood stunned as his question could have many answers. "The lady at mine!"

"How would I know?" I shoved him off me. "It's your house, control your spirits."

"Look at these photos." He handed me a bunch of old photographs of his family. "Anything?"

There was really nothing until the last photo, it was her!

"Her!" I pointed out.

"That's m-my gran." He seated himself down and burned his head into his hands. "How come you saw her?" He started to get a bit emotional.

"I don't know, are you okay?" I comforted him.

"Is she okay?" He begged me.

"She looked happy, she was okay." I sat in his lap hugging him.

"I miss her so much." I said nothing back as no matter what I say it wouldn't help so I just hugged him. "Thank god I have you." He whispered into my neck.

I was over the moon he was letting me in but why did I see her? And why did she warn me not to hurt him?

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